Chapter 10

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I took a deep breath, pushing open the door to my apartment, dread heavy in my stomach.

A day had passed since I had an unpleasant, unexpected visitor and it was only now that I had the courage to return to my room. Since the encounter last night I had been edgy and paranoid.

Everything was in its place, like no one had been riffling through my things in the middle of the night. The window had been closed but nothing else had changed.  I walked into the bedroom and on the bed, a single piece of paper contrasted against the dark colours of the bedding.

The paper was smooth in my hand as I unfolded it, looking at the ceiling with dread and uncertainty; what did he want?

Midnight at the orchard

I took a deep breath, my mind running a thousand miles an hour. Should I go? Should I tell someone? Should I ignore it?

If I chose to go, I couldn’t go alone.

Who would come?


No, he’s way too protective to let me go within fifty feet of a strange vampire.


Too much like Drew; way to protective and he’d lock me in my room in a fit of anger, anger that one of those bloodsuckers had gotten to me again. Or he’d tell Drew and let him do it instead and then go to Zander to have the vamp hunted down; aren’t werewolves and vampires enemies or is that just a myth as well?


He’d go with me; if only to make that I didn’t get hurt. But then I didn’t want him to get hurt either.

I couldn’t out any of them at risk; I wouldn’t put myself in that danger. I wouldn’t do it again, vampires weren’t to be trusted. I mean, this guy had snuck into my apartment in the middle of the night with a huge ass sword and proceeded to rifle through my things and threaten my life! Nope, I was definitely not going tonight.


Pacing in front of the fireplace as the clock hit midnight my brain was in turmoil, my emotions spiralling out of control.

They say curiosity killed the cat; honestly that saying couldn’t be more true, I wanted, needed to know how he found out and what they were going to do. But then I would be putting myself in so much danger and although I hate to admit it; I’m still a scared little girl, I was terrified of even the thought of Paul and just thinking about him sent me into a panic attack.

I make arguments that I can make my own decisions, responsible decisions and then I seriously consider meeting an unknown vampire warrior who snuck into my room and threatened death, in an abandoned orchard where anything could happen.

That made up my mind.

I walked into my room and a shrill scream escaped as a hulking figure sat on my bed, bright blue eyes seemingly looking straight into my soul.

I backed up, heart pounding as he stood. “There is no use screaming, everyone is asleep and will be until morn.”

Suddenly my fear changed to anger, anger that he hurt the ones I love. “What have you done to them?” I hissed angrily, glaring at him. I had never been a violent person, never raised a hand to anyone in anger but my hand twitched to slip him senseless.

He watched me wearily, like I was a ticking time bomb. “A simple spell so we won’t be disturbed.”

All colour drained from my face and my knees felt wobbly. Witches were real? It was to be expected but I had tried to forget the fact that we were not alone in the world; that vampires and werewolves were real, and so it seems are witches. What would be next? Demons? Goblins? Zombies?

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