Chapter 23.

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“Riley, it’s so good to see you again!” Nellie, Matt’s mum said as she rushed outside her home and engulfed me in a hug.

When she stepped back her eyes landed on my hand, specifically the engagement ring on my finger and her eyes went wide before she screamed. “Oh my god, you’re getting married!”

I nodded and smiled as Drew stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Yes, I asked her a week ago.” He said, placing a kiss on my mark. I shuddered and pushed him away playfully as Lewis, Matt’s dad came striding out of his huge house with a smile on his face.

“Riley my girl, how good to see you again!” He scooped me up in a hug and then shook Drew’s hand. “Good to see you again Andrew; I see you’ve been taking care of Riley here.” He said smiling down at my hand that his wife held captive, admiring my ring.

“Yes sir, I love her.” My smile grew wider and I looked behind me to see a very serious Drew.

“Good because future king or not, if you hurt her, you’ll have a lot of angry people coming for your blood; Riley means everything to us.” He said sternly.

I felt some of the blood drain from my face as I listened to Lewis threatening the werewolf king and I wanted to say something but Drew beat me to the punch. “I would happily hand myself over if I ever hurt Riley.”

“Good, come in then and let’s get you settled.” He said, turning and walking into the house with a smile on his face.


“So you’re telling me that my family was only one in twenty human families here and everyone else are werewolves?” I asked Nellie as she curled my hair for me. We were getting ready for the pack dinner that was being held to welcome Drew and I. I felt a little sick at the prospect of seeing everyone I used to know but I was also really excited.

She nodded and unplugged the curling iron. “Yes; we’re a small pack compared to others and although having humans around meant that we couldn’t shift willy- nilly, this is the perfect place for a pack. We’ve been here decades.”

My eyes widened as she told me the history of their pack and I listened with rapt attention as she did my makeup. When she finished I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. Nellie had made my eyes stand out and I looked pretty good. “Here.” She handed me a pile of clothes and pointed to the adjacent bathroom. “Try these; I got them from your suitcase.”

She’d handed me a beautiful white dress, white knitted cardigan that hung to my hips and a brown braided belt. The dress was thick and reached just above my ankles; though it was sleeveless with little cut-outs at the bottom. I didn’t realise Arael had packed these for me and I made too sure to remind myself to thank her when I got back home. 

Home… that’s what Mount McKinley was to me, my home with Drew and soon, the boys.

“You look beautiful Riley.” Nellie chimed when I stepped out of the bathroom. I gave her a bright smile and put on the sandals she passed me. I was glad that the dinner was inside as Christmas time was soon approaching and I knew it would be way too cold outside for me.

“Only because of you; thanks Nellie.” I said planting a kiss on her cheek as someone knocked on the bedroom door. It opened to reveal Drew who smiled down at me wearing jeans, a casual black shirt and leather jacket.

“You look beautiful.” He said taking my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles and kissing my cheek. “Are you two lovely ladies ready to go?” He asked both myself and Nellie who stood smiling at us.

Nellie nodded and walked downstairs with us where Lewis waited, checking his watch occasionally.  He held Nellie’s hand as we exited after complementing us both and soon we were in their car, heading towards the pack house.

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