Chapter 22

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Seychelles was amazing; the sky always clear, the sand golden, sun bright and warm, the water cool and crystal clear. Turtles, fish and dolphins could be seen swimming through the water from the balcony of our private hut that was raised above the waist high water.

The hut had a small fully stocked kitchen, a breakfast bar, small bathroom with a big enough shower for two and one huge king bed in front of an open wall that faces the water.

We'd been here a week already; swimming and exploring during the day while other people were suspiciously absent, eating amazing foods and talking the night away when the sun went down, cuddling underneath the stars.

"Here, Riley taste this!" Drew shouted form the desk as I surfaced from the cool, salty water. As much as I loved the snow I could become accustomed to these beautiful, warm sunny days- days passed in the cool waves.

As I approached Drew handed me a towel and I smiled my thank you. We sat on a small desk, watching as a turtle swam through the water surrounded by little fish. He handed me a plate filled with grilled fish; it looked delicious. And it was. The meat was zesty with lemon juice and herbs, tender and juicy.

We sat together as the sun began to set and I began to shiver. He chuckled and grabbed a blanket to lay over me, moving us to a couch that sat near the house. The sun dipped below the horizon line as the heavens were painted a beautiful array of colours; pinks, purple, blue and red, though the most stunning colour was the orange hue that covered the whole sky.

I lay my head against Drew's chest, breathing in his beautiful scent- cinnamon and vanilla. I huffed when he began to move and stand in front of me on the couch. "What are you doing Drew?" I asked, looking up at his nervous expression.

"I love you Riley; I love you more than anything else in this world and you've had my heart from the start. You are the one and only woman I will love and the only woman I will ever want to have my children, you make me the man I want to be and with you by my side I know I can do anything. I would give you the sun and the stars if you asked, I would pluck the moon from the sky if it's what you wanted." He got down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket, pulling it open to reveal a beautiful ring. It was rose gold with a heart shaped diamond and band running over the top with smaller diamonds set on the sides. "Would you do the honour of becoming my wife, my queen? Will you marry me Riley?"

My jaw dropped in shock and I swear I had tears in my eyes as thousands of thoughts raced through my mind. I had never thought this would happen; I thought I would have been dead a long, long time ago. Up until I was nine I used to play dress up with Jessie and... Matt, and we'd get married all the time, in jest obviously. When I imagined the man I would marry I always thought of a handsome knight on a white horse coming to rescue me from the evil sorcerer; a by-product of reading to many fairy tales. I guess in a way I hadn't been that far off though; Drew was my handsome knight, albeit one without a horse... a wolf instead and he had saved me from the bad guy- Paul.

"I knew it was too early; I should have waited." Drew muttered to himself, breaking me out of my thoughts.

My eyes widened and slowly I nodded as he looked away sadly, moving to get up. I sat forward and grabbed his face in my hands, gently pressing my lips to his.  "Yes." I whispered pulling back as my face broke out in a giant grin. I knew that Drew loved me and I loved him; he'd proved it many times and I trusted him with my life.

He seemed shocked for a moment before a giant smiled spread across his face. "You want to marry me?"

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yes you silly man; I want to marry you!"

I unwrapped one of my arms and he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger. I squealed when he wrapped me up in his arms and stood. "I love you angel."

I smiled and let out a light laugh. "I know; I love you too wolfy."

I reached up and pulled his face closer to mine as he held me close to his muscular frame. Our lips met and the familiar sparks flew; a feeling I will never get used too. I felt myself being lowered onto the soft mattress, without Drew breaking the kiss and I sighed in contentment.

"Drew," I pulled back and looked into his loving eyes. "Mark me." I whispered.

He smiled and pulled the top I'd been wearing off, over my head gently, tossing it into the corner of the room. "All in good time."

He resumed devouring my mouth with his in a timeless dance. I broke the kiss and helped Drew shed his shirt. He returned the gesture by slowly unclasping my bikini top, placing gentle butterfly kisses from my jaw, down the side of my neck, over my shoulder and across my breast until he latched onto a puckered, rosy nipple like a newborn babe. I wasn't scared anymore; I felt... good. Paul and his friends had never done this before and I knew that Drew wouldn't hurt me. I pushed Paul out of my mind- this was Drew, Paul was gone and he didn't have a hold over me anymore. This was our moment.

I moaned and ran my fingers through his silky chocolate strands, tugging gently as his hand caressed the underside of my neglected breast. "Mmm, Drew."

He groaned and ran his hands down my body to pull the waistband of my shorts. He groaned and tossed them in the general direction of my other clothes. "I love you so much Riles."

I giggled and knelt before him to flick the button of his jeans. As I slowly opened the zipper he took my hands and kissed each one. "Lie down on the bed angel." He whispered, looking lovingly into my eyes.

I nodded and followed his instructions, laying back down, spread across the thick, comfortable mattress. I was almost entirely naked, save for my bikini bottoms- everything was bared, all my scars and imperfections. I resisted the urge to cover myself, but I knew that he would accept me for who I am. 

He slid off his boxers; I couldn't tear my eyes away. He stood next to the bed, tall, proud and all man.

Before I could stop it I blurted out one of the most embarrassing things in my life. "How's it going to fit?" I covered my mouth as my face heated up slightly. He chuckled and kissed my neck, moving to look my in the eyes. I had never seen anything as large as 'it'. "Riley, men and women have been making love since the beginning of time, trust me I will fit."

I nodded and smiled slightly. "I trust you." I whispered.

He kissed my again and felt as he slid my bottoms down my legs.

When I was naked before him, he just stared at me awe plainly visible in his eyes; I have never felt so loved.  He leaned over and captured my lips with his own and I was lost.  Rational thought flew from my mind as I was taken over by sensation.  I only came back to earth when I felt his bare chest against mine as he slipped between my thighs.

"Stop me if I hurt you," he whispered against my mouth.

That night we mated and I had never felt so fulfilled or loved. 

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