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Heading to Columbus was a bit of a blur for me. From what I can recall, I woke up to my mom packing me clothes, my dad explaining that I was going to go live with Zach for a while, saying goodbye to them, getting on and off the plane, and now being here. Walking around this ginormous airport, searching for my older sibling.

I grumbled to myself as I passed a small bookstore but couldn't stop to look at it because apparently Zach had to head to the rink right after to get something from Josh. Even though he's the one late... Suddenly I saw a sign with the letters spelling out ASPEN on it. It also was in pink fucking glitter. Typical Zach.

Putting on the best fake smile I could muster I sauntered up to him and engulfed him in a hug. "Aspen! Sorry I'm late, traffic is a bitch." Zach apologized

I shook my head at my brother as I let go. "Whatever you say Zachy, mind taking my suitcase. You know mom and her overpacking." I joked started to walk ahead. Zach shook his head at his old nickname and grabbed my suitcase.

We rode in comfortable silence as Roll In Peace by Kodak Black ft XXX played through his car. That was until Zach informed me of my death. "I almost forgot to tell you. Josh apparently said the team could have the team New Year party at our house."

It was at that moment I knew. I would be responsible for the death of  Josh Anderson.

Zach must of noticed that I was sort of you know FREAKING OUT. "Hey don't worry sis, you can stay up in your room. They'll all understand. There's not push for you to hang out at that party. I told Josh it was a bad idea."

I shook my head, "I don't want to be the reason why you change everything Zach. It's okay you can have the party, who knows maybe interacting with people will be good for me." Zach gave me a sympathetic look before he looked back at the road.

About 25 minutes later, we had got to the Nationwide Arena. "Do you just want to stay in? I won't be long unless you want to meet most of the team before the party." Zach offered as he unbuckled his seatbelt. I nodded and unbuckled mine and headed inside with him.

Soon I figured it out why so many players were here. It was an optional practice which Zach would usually participate in if it were not for the fact that he had to pick me up. My heart started to race even more as I come to the realization that we were in front of the locker room. Right as Zach went to open the door, his name was called out from a very very familiar voice.


He must've not known that I was in Ohio yet because he looked confused at why Zach was just magically showing up until he saw me. Somehow a smile grew on his face. "Aspen!" He greeted pulling me into a light hug. "It's great to see you again."

I smiled at him softly before responding with a you too. Zach at this point had explained that he was here to get his key for the house from Josh who had lost his. Torts nodded and walked into the locker room with us. The team didn't notice me at first, apparently I'm just a ghost now. Nick was the first to notice me not Zach and Torts. Me. "Hey you're here!" He called out and pulled me into a hug.

The both of us chuckled as we hugged for a few more seconds. Nick was like an older brother for me. A better one in my opinion as he was the one who picked me up from the McDonalds that I was stranded at. Boone thankfully being the one who found me when I got lost in the city also.

Boone was the next one to hug me as I talked to the two of them for a few minutes. Cam next, then Bob, Seth, Wenny, Joonas, then the rest. Except for the rookies who had no idea who I was. I grabbed Boone's arm and dragged him to the other side of the room where I whispered to him in a hushed tone, "Why are the rookies being all awkward besides the fact that they're rookies?"

Boone looked a tad uncomfortable before explaining, "God I shouldn't be telling you this but I know it'll be worse if you don't know. They know about... what happened."

I never did explain what happened did I?

Growing up I was a very outgoing kid but I was always known as Zach's little sister. Not Aspen just Werenski's younger sis. When Zach was in High School and I was in Middle the attention was put on me. Teachers suddenly knew who I was. Long story short, I missed a ton of school so teachers chose to pick on me I guess. Then guys wouldn't stop comparing me to the popular girls. So I just stopped. Tried to stop my heart to be more specific. Cut down from what I was eating- too much. Then 2 months ago, I took 12 pills and now I'm here.

"Aspen? Hey- earth to Aspen?" Boone's voice called out to me. I was suddenly pulled out of my trance I was in.

I walked over to Zach and tapped on his shoulder. "I'm ready to go- I need to go." I corrected myself. Zach shot a look over at Boone and immediately said goodbye to his teammates and led me out to the car.

We sat in silence for the entire car ride to the house. Only this time it wasn't comfortable. It was very uncomfortable to be exact. Arriving at his house couldn't come sooner. 15 minutes later it finally came as I grabbed my backpack and waiting for Zach to unlock the door.

After Zach unlocked the door I entered to take in the two story house. Last year Josh and Zach were just in an apartment now this? "Your room is upstairs last one on the right. I'll bring your suitcase in a minute." He explained

Usually I object that I could bring it up myself but hell even I could admit now that I was way too weak to do anything. Bringing a giant suitcase was one of those things.

My room was actually really nice, sure it was simple but I liked simple. A bed, desk, chair, and dresser. Good enough for me, actually perfect for me. I tossed my backpack onto my bed and pulled out my phone to see a few notifications. One from Ollie my actual best friend from back home. A few text messages from him would be an understatement, a trillion would be more exact.

I answered them and set up my laptop and charger. A few minutes later Zach walked in scaring the hell out of me. "Holy shit Zach." I gasped holding my hand over my heart.

He let out a chuckle as he set my suitcase down. "If you need anything Josh is home now and I'll be in my room taking a nap. You know how us Werenski's like our naps."

"Ha naps? You mean our escape from the world?" I joked as I unzipped my suitcase and began to unpack.

Zach shook his head at me response. "You really need to stop watching Shane Dawson." I smiled at him as he began to walk out of my room. Before he could I stopped him to ask him something.

"Hey so when is the party?" I questioned, sitting down on my bed. This making Zach turn around and come sit next to me.

"Tomorrow night, remember you don't have to come and hang out. You're welcome to just chill out in your-"

"Zach," I stopped him, "I already said I'd do it so calm down. Now go take your shower. You smell horrible."

It was the next day when Josh and Zach's teammates started to pile in to the house. Nick and his wife being the first to arrive, probably to make sure the twenty year olds weren't blowing the house up. I was stationary in my room even if it was just Nick and Janelle parties were never my thing.

Janelle did end up coming upstairs to hang out for a little bit. Although she did try to persuade me into coming to help with the food. Finally though she did get me to.

That's when I saw him.

Two Ghosts | P.L. DuboisWhere stories live. Discover now