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Zach moved over to the side of the bed where he ended up laying. "Pierre brought you here, he's downstairs with Josh." my brother explained as we both laid there.

We both stayed there in silence. Neither of us knew what to say. The last time I had a panic attack that ad was two years ago. I had thought it was under control. Zach was the one to break the silence though, "I think you should go back to a therapist."

"Zach-" I tried to cut him off but he shushed me and continued.

"You don't have to go right away Aspen. I won't make you but when Pierre came barging into the house with you passed out I was so worried. It had been so long since I've seen you like that and well it fucking sucked." Zach let out looking at me. I didn't bother looking back at him. Knowing if I did the guilt I already had would intensify.

I laid there quietly only with my thoughts. Zach was still there also but he wanted to give me some peace. "I'm sorry," I whispered in a small voice as I flipped over to hug him.

Zach rubbed his hand in small circles of my back whispering that it was okay. "Everyone's going over to Cam's tonight. I told them that I couldn't go because I wanted to stay back with you."

I shook my head angry at myself that I was the reason that he couldn't go out and have fun. "Zach if you don't go I'm going to make you."


"I'll stay back with her," a voice called out. Both Werenski's turned their heads to see Pierre standing by the doorway. Zach gave both of us a suspicious look before asking if he was sure.

Pierre nodded as Zach hugged me one last time before making his way out of the room. That left the two of us. I was unsure of what to say after the whole Starbucks innocent. "I'm sorry I made you worry like that. We've only known each other for about a week, I shouldn't have to rely on you for these things." I finally choked out not wanting to look at him in the eyes.

Two arms wrapped around me as I knew it was Pierre. "Hey, don't worry about it." he whispered, still hugging me. "I'll do anything I can to help okay? Here get back in bed. I'm going to go get something."

Before I could reply, Pierre was already out of the room. Around five minutes later he returned with popcorn and two waters. "We're going to watch White Chicks so I got some things. Where's your- oh there it is." Suddenly my laptop was placed on my bed as well as the popcorn.

"White Chicks? Okay I love you." I joked. Pierre froze for a moment before giving me a smile.

The rest of the night consisted of us dramatically singing 'Making My Way Downtown' and laughing. I snuggled up against him as I still watched the movie. My eyes began to get droopy. "Go ahead and fall asleep Asp. I'm right here." Pierre whispered.

I could get use to this. I thought as I let sleep come over me.

Two Ghosts | P.L. DuboisWhere stories live. Discover now