Chapter Twenty-Two

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When I couldn't stall for another second, I opened the door and stepped inside. I saw a dozen people, all wearing various shades of silk. I shrank against the closed door as several of them turned to look at me.

I stood there, mute and staring. See, I'd never attended the diplomacy classes in school. Those were for registered Elementals.

"Hello, Gabriella." Davison stood, stretching to his full six-foot height, and abandoning the hushed conversation he'd been having with two Councilmen. The other chatter in the room dissipated.

I swallowed. "Hello, Councilman Davison. You wanted to see me?"

My eyes flitted from face to face. The first man I saw looked like he'd tasted something sour. The steel in the second man's expression didn't fade as the silence stretched. By the time I looked to the third man in the room, the message was clear: They weren't sure what to make of me.

I blinked angrily at the tears pricking behind my eyes. I wouldn't give them another reason to think girls couldn't be Firemakers.

"Hello, Firemakers," I said. "My name is Gabriella Kilpatrick, and I hail from Crylon."

A man shifted, and I recognized him. As was custom, I bowed to my Councilman. "Councilman Ferguson."

"Rise," he said. His footsteps echoed closer, but I kept my face toward the floor. Only when he touched my shoulder did I stand. He looked older than I remembered; maybe I did too.

His bright blue eyes sparked with intensity as he appraised me. "You're a Firemaker?" His voice came out soft, kind.

I nodded.

"Show me." He stepped back to allow everyone in the room to witness my power.

I snapped my fingers, igniting them into blue-tipped flames. I took a deep breath, then urged the flames into torches. Flames licked the ceiling; a calm, white smoke filtered through the room.

I fisted my hands, pulling the power back into myself. When I dared to look at the group of Councilmen, I found that some of the disgust had been replaced with respect. I tried on a timid smile, and Davison flashed me a tight grin in return.

Some of the tension in my muscles relaxed—at least until he said, "Come sit down, Gabriella." He gestured to a chair next to him. "Councilmen, my apologies. I need a moment alone with Gabriella."

I quickly stepped further into the room to allow space for the others to leave. He spoke with several of them, casting me a daggered look as he did. I interpreted the look to mean, I really don't have time for this.

And I knew he didn't. I squared my shoulders, deciding that I didn't care. I needed the magical protection of a chartering, and he was the highest ranking Councilman available.

The Councilman of Crylon was the last to leave. He stepped close to me, a look I couldn't decipher in his eye. He opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and left with only a smile for me.

"Come, sit." Councilman Davison frowned when I still didn't move. His dark purple Council robes practically smoked with annoyance. "My Airmaster is out looking for yours," he said, like it was my fault Adam was gone. Perhaps it was—he had been fighting his tattoo on my behalf for days. I shrugged away the guilt flooding my system.

Against my better judgment, I moved forward and sat. Every nerve raged with desperate fire. I cleared my throat, not that I was gearing up to say anything.

"What is it you want?" Davison settled himself back into his chair.

"I need to charter a Council, sir," I said, using the social skills Educator Ostrund had inflicted upon me.

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