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   CASSIOPEIA IS ALONE. Not a single word has come out of her mouth for weeks. She doesn't exactly have friends at the moment, let alone her mother. When she goes downstairs, only glances are shared, and both of them only share glares. But, she can't, and will never forgive her mother.

Though the loneliness was getting to Cassiopeia. She was afraid, which is why a wooden bat now sits in the corner of her room. She keeps it close to her bed. Now that she's scared she has no clue when IT could come.

   But for now, she ran her paintbrush across the canvas, listening to Michael Jackson. Well, that was before there was a knock on her door. Cassiopeia let out a sigh and put her paintbrush into the cup of water next to her. The girl put on an annoyed face and opened the door. Cassiopeia rolled her eyes at the sight of her mother.

   "Cassiopeia I think it's time we talk." The tone in her mothers' voice was one Cassiopeia had never heard from her. It was sympathy and genuine care. "Would you let me talk to you?" Cassiopeia hates that the tone made her vulnerable. Which is why, without a single word, she opened her door wider.

Cheryl walked in and sat on Cassiopeia's bed, "you haven't gone and seen your friends in a while."

Cassiopeia followed her mom and sat in front of her mom on the bed, "yeah I don't really have friends anymore, I guess." She stated bluntly, "I'm perfectly happy being back to painting and reading every day. That's what you wanted right?"

Cheryl stroked her daughter's hair, "oh sweetie... I told you so. Friends are toxic, and they lie, you should've listened to me. What about those boys you were sleeping with? Did they break your heart?" Cassiopeia scoffed but didn't answer and let her mom go on. "I've always told you that love isn't real. I'm sorry you didn't listen, I'm just glad to have my sweetie back."

"Mom," Cassiopeia took a deep breath and hugged her mom, before whispering in her ear. "Every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie, and I think you hate that I know it." She didn't even try to correct her mother, Cassiopeia didn't sleep with any boys. She also knows that love is real, maybe not romantically, but the love she felt for her friends was undeniable. Even though she doesn't realize her soulmate is right at the tip of her mind every second of every day.

   Cheryl pushed Cassiopeia from out of the hug, "where did I go wrong with you Cassiopeia? You've always been so good, until this summer, what changed you?"

   By now Cassiopeia had decided to stand up, "genuine love did." She didn't know what else to say, so instead, she left her room and the house as a whole. She felt sorry, for her mom, and herself. Cassiopeia felt bad that her mother wasn't the one who showed her genuine love. But she felt bad for herself for never experiencing a mother's love as other children do.

MOON ☆ RICHIE TOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now