Chapter 2

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  I ignored the fishers concern, concentrating on my revenge. They helped me get out of the water. I accidentally looked at my reflection on the water taking in how pale and ghost like I looked, a plan began forming. I start making my way into the woods, the only place I knew no body except me would enter. Finally after five more minutes I reached the small wooden house I had made with my baby's future in mind.
  I touch the dark wood gently,q a tear escaping from my eyes. I sighed as I open the door, I drag one of the seats and sat down getting a piece of paper, some ink and a feather. My sadness quickly became anger, resentment and determination. I began the list of the monsters that took my baby away. Theodore, Marcus, Ernest, Paul, Victor and Andrew. All male, all of them are going to be hunted by me. A bloodthirsty smirk slowly forms on my face as I think of what I am going to do.
  I am going to make them suffer, but the best one is the one that will go last... I go to bed still dripping with water but not minding at all. I feel body curling into a fetal position hugging a pillow. My dream became a nightmare as it repeats my daughter's death again... and again... and again... With me not being able to do anything, my daughter asking me why I did not helped her, telling me that it was all my fault, that she hates me.
  I woke up crying, covered in sweat, with a sore throat and shaking like a leaf. I breathe deeply, trying to compose myself. When I can finally breathe normally I step up and go to the kitchen to make some tea. Once is done, I pour some into a black cup and drip a little of honey into it. I close my eyes as I drink the hot liquid that slightly calms me down, with the cup in hand, I look outside and see that it's dark. Perfect time to start with the plan. Quickly I finish my cup and put my finished cup of tea in the kitchen. I head to the room, go to one of the closets and take out my paint y use many shades of blue, white, purple and a little bit of powder to make myself look like I did a few hours ago, pale, slightly blue and bruised.
  My first prey is Theodore, he is the one that got to my baby first, so he is the one that is going to suffer first. I start making my way out of the woods my steps resonating around the silent, dark place. When I finally reach the end I could not believe my luck, there he first prey...demonstrating that he clearly is an idiot, fornicating with another woman that is not his wife. I hunch down like a feline and get closer trying not to puke from the sound that the woman is making. I do not get it, why is she mewling like a cat in heat? His member is so small, even smaller than the smallest of my fingers. I shake my head cringing when the cat in heat rises the pitch of her tone almost destroying my eardrums in the process. I decide to make a sound to freak them out and start the paranoia.
  I smirk as I step on a few branches and leafs creating a crunch sound that resonates around spooking the fornicating idiots.

  "Who is there!? Show yourself coward!"

  My smirk transforms into a grin and in what seems like a spell, fog starts to appear, the only light being the shallow shine of the moon. I step closer grinning ear to ear looking directly into Theodore's eyes. The moon behind me making him able to see my pale and slightly blue face.

  "Hello Theodore...did you missed me? You became a bedswerver on the little time I was not around". I say slowly, my voice resonates and echoes lightly making me sound and look as a ghost.

  His face transforms from anger to panic to scared.

  "How!? How are you alive witch!?". He screams, his eyes wildly looking around for a way to escape.

  " you know her?" The mewling quim stupidly asks.

  "Theo I am scared...we have to run, she is really scary" she says almost crying and with a high pitch.

  "You should listen to your whore Theodore, she apparently has survival instincts...and it will give me the entertainment of hunting you down like a prey". I say, my smirk changing to a bloodthirsty grin.

  I take my knife out and look at them, Theodore look at me startled and steps up from the floor running as fast as he can into the woods leaving the whore on the floor.

  "Go away, disappear. My business is not with you". I say throwing some gold coins. Not even looking at her, my eyes focused on the path that the idiot had taken. Good...he is in my territory, he does not know where he is going and I know everything about this woods...

  The mewling quim stand up unsteadily, takes the gold coins and mutters a thank you with a smile, clearly not understanding the insult and then runs as fast as she could.

"Time to hunt". I say with a smirk.

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