1- Be Safe

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The bell ringed, which made Jihoon wake up on his trance.

He glanced at the window and looked down, he saw some students playing on the field.

Sighing, he picked up his bag and made his way to the door when someone called him.

He looked back at the owner of the voice, it was Seokmin, and he saw hesitation on his eyes, he looked deeper.

There are two sights before him. On the right the present, on the other one the future.

"We need to talk about our music project, let's do it at the coffee shop near the school. Is it okay?"

Images of Seokmin's dead body was seen. When the latter reach his condo unit, a mad man is holding a gun, and firing every person he saw. A massacre.

Time of Death: 7:53 pm

It will happen because of him being awkward and couldn't keep up a conversation.

He's not really good with people, he doesn't want to engaged with them, even though he wants a friend, a very loyal friend, but that would be impossible, with his condition and he's afraid to tell anyone about it.

"We need to talk about our music project, let's do it at the coffee shop near the school. Is it okay?" the present Seokmin said, word by word, just like he saw. He stopped looking further.


They walked, side by side, quietly.

It's not that awkward, but on Seokmin's side, it is.

He can't wait to perform with the other boy.

Jihoon is one of the musical genius in their school. He has a future in music. He composes some songs, and his voice is sweet, just don't look at his face tho, it's blank. And Seokmin will change that.

But how can he change that if he's awkward with the boy.

That thought crushed him, but he swear, he'll try.


The bell chimed when he opened the door, sweet aroma of coffee greeted his nostrils, and he can't help but to moan. Ahh... Good coffee it is.

They took a vacant seat near the glass wall, cars passing by on the background.

Jihoon took his laptop, humming an unfamiliar tune as he opened it.

"So... What kind of music do you like?" Jihoon asked

"I'm not sure... But..." Seokmin trailed off, blushing furiously as he bit his inner cheek.

"How about---"

"May I take your orders, sirs?" the waitress asked, unaware of the situation she's cutting.

"I'll have a french vanilla and a waffle with maple syrup." Seokmin stated, smilling

"An espresso and a blueberry muffin." Jihoon said, fixing his eyeglasses.

The waitress murmured "thanks."

As soon as she was gone, Jihoon eyed Seokmin before saying, "So I guess I'll just choose a song and I'm sure you can sing it."

"It will be good."

There was a deafening silence after that, well people around them are still talking, bells are ringing and machine noises, but the duo could only hear silence.

Jihoon was doing something on his laptop and Seokmin is scrolling on his phone.

"Stupid Seokmin, if you don't even have an idea on your performance, why did you asked him out in the first place?" Seokmin mentally scolded himself and sighed.

"You okay there?" Jihoon asked, but his eyes didn't leave his laptop.

Seokmin was puzzled for minute, did Jihoon---- THE LEE JIHOON asked him if he was okay? Heat rushed into his face.

"Err--- Yeah I'm fine."

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts, what's bothering you?"

Seokmin didn't expect Jihoon to oppose him, he made his voice convincing. And the guy isn't even looking at him.

Yes Jihoon is not good at socializing with people, but he's good with observing them.

"It's nothing really."

Jihoon didn't buy that, but he'll let it pass. He glanced at the clock 6:45.
"Just a few more minutes..." he thought.

Seokmin's ringtone blasted, startling Jihoon, but his face opposed.

"Yes?" Seokmin asked

"Seok, where are you?"

"Coffee shop, the one that is near the school."

"Oh... You have a date?" Soonyoung asked, laughing


"Don't need to be defensive thou." Seokmin could feel the guy grinning

"I don't. What do you want?"

"I need you to come with me, I have no food left."

"Ugh... But..."

"It's fine Seok, enjoy your date."

"It's not---"

*beep* *beep*

The call ended, but Seokmin is still blushing.

They have been best friends since highschool. Soonyoung is cold, rude and arrogant guy but Seokmin, somehow saw his other side.

And Soonyoung told him that those demeanor of him is fake, it is just an act.

"Who was that?" Jihoon asked and Seokmin almost snorted, well Jihoon has a gossipy side.

"My bestfriend."

Jihoon was silence for a minute, and when Seokmin was about to ask what was wrong, Jihoon talked.

"Could you do me a favor?"

Seokmin's ears perked up, "Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Your bestfriend lives on a different building or nah?"

"He does, but just a few blocks away."

"Can you stay with him, just for tonight?"

Seokmin froze, thousands of question filled his head.

"I know you probably have a thousand of questions, but just do it."


"Seokmin, be safe."

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