Chapter 3~

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Fun fact:
When I wrote this I almost cried

Evan's P.O.V

I got an exuse to leave school because of the incident in the hallway. Connor decided to skip school because he just wanted too. I didn't want to go to the hospital to visit my asshole of a boyfriend, plus I doubt that Connor would even let me, Since he decided to protect me and get to know me. We walk to the school Gates and off to my house "So why don't you want to go to your house?" Evan thought he ask something personal "Y-You don't H-Have t-to, I-if I-its P-Personal" I feel my face flushed from embarrassment.

"It's fine Evan, my parents don't know that I skipped school and my dad hates me so I tend to get away from the house until I decide to go back and hear him yell at me" I look at Connor with sympathy, I wanted to ask why but I decided to not barge in his personal life.
We soon walked to my front door and I unlocked the door. I put my bag along with Connor's on a rack next to the door "Why isn't your mom home?" I hesitated but answer "S-she'd a-at w-work" I walk to the kitchen and found a letter and $20.

Dear Evan,

I had to go to work, then went back home to get my stuff for my next job. I left $20 with you and please eat something, I don't want you to starve yourself. Also if you have friends over than don't let them trash the house, or spend the food money on junk.
I'll be home at 11 or 12 Pm...

I love you~

Sincerely, Your Best Mom

I read the letter and put it on the counter and sighed heavily. I pick up the money and put iny pocket, I look back and saw Connor reading the letter "Does she usually leave you alone?" I shook my head a "yes" and he went over to me and hugged me "Your to sweet, and kind to be left alone" Connor pulled away and smiled "I can stay with you until my parents call me" I blushed and smiled "I-I'd l-like that".

I felt butterflies in my stomach, am I sick? No..I can't be, but it's only around Connor. I never had this feeling towards Allan before, he kinda force me into the relationship. I can't love Connor, a guy that I hardly know, a guy that scares everybody, a guy that protected me, a guy that decides to stay with me, a guy that cares for me, a guy that knows that I'm alone, a guy that makes me feel happy.

Maybe it's love? But I can't...I'm with Allan either way, plus I don't even know if he likes dudes.

"So Evan I want to get to know you, since you literally told me about your abusive Boyfriend, and I told you about my dad hating me...I want to learn more" I look at him and sat on the couch while Connor followed. "Well let's see, I live with my mom alone, my dad left me when I was six, my mom works day and night shifts so I'm usually alone, I have Terrible anxiety, my favorite color is blue blue,I love Trees!, I never had a friend other than Jared and Allan and even they don't know what Allan does to me!"
I thought of what Allan might do to me when he comes back "I was forced I to a relationship with Allan, He beats me every Sunday, He makes me cook for him Sunday, He threatens me Every Sunday, and he rapes me every Sunday." I tear up and look up at Connor, he has a piss off face but soon softens and huggeds me again "I won't let him hurt you...Let's not talk about that bastard unless you want to report it to the police" My eyes widen and push away from Connor and scattered to the end of the couch "N-No! Y-You C-can't!" Connor looked at me with worried eyes. "Why not? He done horrible things to you, he said horrible things to you....Why put up with his abuse!?"

"I-I-" I tried to say words but I can't say anything. Connor sighed and sat next to me "My dad is homophobic, my mom never listens bit she still tries, Zoe doesn't give a fuck about me, everybody at school hates me, I like the color purple despite what I where, I love to read books, I stop smoking pot last week,  and I'm gay". Connor just told me all about him and hear I am crying over my stupid Boyfriend, "I-I'm S-Sorry" I mumble.

Connor looks at me "Why are you sorry you did nothing wrong...Your Boyfriend probably threaten you to say nothing didn't he" I shook my head a "yes". "Do you want to watch a movie and order pizza?"

"Y-Yes please..." I said quietly

"Alright you choose the movie and I order"

I shook my head...
Maybe I am in love

I'm not dead everyone!!!!!!!


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