Court Day
3 months later
All rise for the judge Jerry Springer
*Everyone Stand *
Jerry: All Seated
Clarke or Court: The jury calls Jacob Valentino to the stand
*mafia go to the stand*
Zayn Lawyer: your honor jacob mafia valentino is being charged for the murder of my cilent Zayn Malike
Judge: Do you have anything to say Mr Valentino
Mafia: Yes your honor I Shot him in self defence of my wife Allison Malike Your honor
Judge: Explain what happened
*mafia explains*
Judge: What does the jury decide
The Jury: With the murder of Zayn Malike we find the defendant Not guilty Your Honor
Judge: Fine, Now explain the assault of police officer Trey Songs
Mafia: Your honor that Ass wipe has no respect for people
Judge: Order in the court Remember your still in a court Mr. Valentino
Mafia: Apologises your honor
Judge: What does the jury decide
Jury: Not guilty your honor we saw it was the heat of the moment
Judge: now the Murder Charges.
Mafia’s Lawyer: Our honor my client is not guilty as he was not found nor even involved in any of these drugs transportation california to mexico
Lawyer: *shows pics *
Judge: Well a Picture reads a thousand words but these read shxt!! That does not even show his face since it is blurry but until you have certified proof we have to release the defendant. Case closed
Mafia:*hurry to take off Jail Uniform and jumps in a taxi and head to the hospital* Allison Valentino room?
Nurse: We are Sorry But we took her off life support she unfortunately died this morning sir
Mafia: HEll No!! Stop Lying
Nurse: Sorry Sir Who Are You ?
Mafia: Her Wife I Mean Husband She Cant be dead
Nurse: You Can Release her for a Proper Burial
Mafia: Can I See Her?
Nurse: Yes take the elevator down -3
Mafia: OK *running off* Thank you
In The Middle <3
Fanfictionally was a girl that didn't have anyone in her life no reason to live until she met zayn