Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: The following is a fan based work of fiction combining characters from the show Sherlock and concepts from the anime Tokyo Ghoul. I do not own either of these shows, nor do I own the characters associated with them, with Anita Rose Taggitt (my OC) being the only exception. If you like what you're reading, be sure to leave a vote and a comment.

Saturday afternoon on Baker Street passed without incident, as the sun was hanging high in the sky at 1 P.M. The rays of the sun shined through the thin curtains of the flat on 221B Baker Street. For the time being, the living room that was brightly illuminated was void of any life, with the exception of the microscopic dust particles that moved through the air. A few moments later the sound of approaching footsteps resonated from the door opposite to the left side of the kitchen. John came downstairs and crossed over into the living room, wearing only a bathrobe, with a towel slung over his shoulders. He sat down in the chair that faced away from the kitchen. As his hair was still damp, he used the towel to dry it and catch the droplets of water the he missed.

He exhaled a sigh of relief and took in the bleak, but relaxing atmosphere of the living. Sherlock had left earlier that morning to take care of a case that Lestrade once again needed his help with. John didn't go with him, for the reason being that the last case they embarked on ended in a bloody struggle with a ghoul and John sustaining a minor injury to the leg. A leg that was formally believed to have been psychosomatically limping. Fortunately, the blood that was splattered didn't come from either him, or Sherlock. More accurately, the blood splatter came from the human that this particular ghoul had fed on. The blood was splashed in their direction, as a means of temporarily blinding them, thus allowing the ghoul to run past them, trip up John in the process, and make it's escape. As neither of them had the proper weapons with which to kill it they were forced to let the ghoul go. That is until Mycroft's people are able to catch it.

In the time that these creatures appeared on the streets of London, the whole city was fraught with trepidation and worry. The first attack was a trio of people, whose mangled corpses were found in an alley way on Shaftsbury Avenue. The carnage was too extensive for it to be deemed an animal attack, and as they continued, authority and government officials were forced to narrow their way of thinking, and adopt a more open mind as to what they were dealing with. An entire species of carnivorous cannibals who sustain themselves on the flesh of humans and other ghouls. Probably the most horrifying thing about them was the striking resemblance that they bare to ordinary humans, with the only exceptions being their biology, mentality, and diet. The only things that they're able to enjoy the same as humans are coffee and water, but these alone aren't enough to sustain their hunger.

Other than that, human food tastes disgusting to ghouls. So far their origins remain unknown, but one thing was certain beyond all doubt: They needed to be exterminated for Queen and Country. And this is were Mycroft's come into play. Not only was Mycroft in charge of his own police force and secret Service, but he was also in charge of the organization known as the CCG. The acronym roughly translates to the Commission of Counter Ghoul and is a federal agency funded by Parliament which seeks to prosecute and eliminate any ghouls that cross their paths. Not just in London, but around the world.

Even Sherlock was left astonished by the vast amount of gore that painted the scene of the crime, but he continued on with his usual deductions. It wasn't until he had his own personal run in with a ghoul that he was left shocked and shaking with dread. The last time he was forced to contradict his skills of deduction was during the Baskerville case, and his own encounter with the beast. Before the previous night, he had yet to encounter a ghoul, but only examined the crime scenes ,and helped Molly examine the corpses that they left in their wake. Now that he had a clearer picture of what he was dealing with, and a bit of time to reevaluate his other cases, he was more determined than ever to keep the game afoot. Chances were that this next case involved another ghoul, and another mangled corpse for Molly to examine at St. Bart's. As John reached for the remote to turn on the TV, there was a knock at the door. He turned his head around and looked at it intently.

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