Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: The following is a fan based work of fiction that encompasses elements of the anime Tokyo Ghoul and the show Sherlock. Neither of which belong to me. The only thing that belongs to me is my OC, Anita. If you like what you're reading, be sure to leave a vote and a comment.

Judging from the wing like shape that her Kagune took on, John and Sherlock could only guess that Anita had an ukaku Kagune, which basically meant shining feathers. Shining feathers that could harden like diamonds and shoot long/ mid range projectiles that when used against a human ended a battle fairly quickly. In short, Anita was a high speed ghoul whos attacks rely on a combination of agility and swiftness. That fact coupled with the fear and anxiety that gripped the two men watching this scene, prevented them from moving a single muscle even to reach for their weapons. As opposed to shooting another barrage of attacks at her assailant, Anita towered over him and seemed to retract her kagune a little bit. The menacing glare that she wore on her face was well complimented by the literal darkness in her eyes. She looked down at Sebastian as he used what little strength he had in his body to scoot away from her to no avail.

"Before I cut you to ribbons, answer me one thing. Why have you come back after all this time? You're not one to give yourself busy work if there's nothing to be gained from it. Especially if it means bringing along a friend". She asked with a neutral tone that didn't match her expression. In spite of the fear that was coursing through both John and Sherlock, they stood frozen before the scene before them. Sebastian covered his wounds as best as he could, but to no avail, as they continued to bleed; some of his own blood seemed to mingle with that of his friend who still remained unconscious. The best he could do was continue to back away as Anita slowly continued towards him.

"Well? What is it? What's the reason?" She asked again. Sebastian looked back at her not in fear but what looked like dead seriousness mixed in with the pain of his injuries.

"The boss mentioned you by name. He's looking for you. Says he misses your "wonderful services" from the old days". Said Sebastian. Despite the fact that it was meant to sound lecherous, Sherlock deduced that that wasn't what Sebastian was referring to. Not in the slightest. But more important was this boss that he mentioned. John must have had the same train of thought based on the way his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. However, Anita stood completely unfazed by his words and instead gestured to his open wounds.

"Wow. That's an awful lot of joking around, and none of me giving a damn. Especially given the state you're in". She said. She furthered emphasized this point by standing on the shoulder of Sebastian's red headed friend and tearing his arm off as though he were a plastic doll. More blood proceeded to splash and paint the concrete ground as the sound of wet flesh being torn and bone being broken resonated in the air. Sebastian didn't seem to be frightened as much as he was annoyed and aggravated. Nonetheless, he used what little strength he had to stand on his feet, leaning on the wall next to him. John and Sherlock continued to watch the scene unfold with their attention firmly locked on Anita and the severed arm that she now held. The look that she now gave Sebastian was more along the lines of mocking in replacement of the previous menacing gaze.

"Do you still want to bear arms? Go ahead. I'll let you." She said. And with that, she tossed the arm in Sebastian's face, and watched him stumble backwards clumsily. As opposed to retaliating, which he was in no position to do, the blonde simply turned and ran as quickly as his legs would carry him. But not before he gave Anita one last blood curdling glare.

"You'll get yours, Taggitt. I promise you that". He said. With that, He quickly ducked around the corner, not even looking at the two men he almost ran into. While John and Sherlock stood watching Sebastian make a mad dash down the street, Anita's voice reached there ears again.

"You don't want to take your friend with you?" She said mockingly. The sound of her voice alone sent chills down John's spine given the fact that she could discover them at any moment and do them in the same way. The former soldier looked to Sherlock for some kind of consultation on what their next move should be, but the consulting detective still had his eyes locked on the street that Sebastian had run down, despite the fact that the man was long gone by now. More than likely, he was just as shaken up as John was, and decided to focus his attention on something less harrowing than the reality that they were standing a mere few feet away from a ghoul. And while he would deny it later, it was written all over Sherlock's face that he was scared. His eyes seemed wider than normal, his chest was slowly heaving, his lips were contorted into a small grimace, and he appeared to be shaking ever so slightly. It was days like these where John's training as a military doctor truly came in handy.

And speaking of his military training, John was spontaneously reminded of the fact that he was still in possession of a loaded gun that was designed to kill creatures like Anita. A gun that he drew from his coat pocket without a moments hesitation, ensuring that the safety was off and the chamber was pulled back despite the fact that a cold swear was beginning to form, rocks were tumbling around in his stomach, and his flat mate was completely unreachable . He mustered up as much strength as he could and aimed the gun down the alley way where Anita was; If she was there anymore, but she was no where to be found, and so was the body whose arm she dismembered. In that moment, John did the smartest thing that he could possibly think of. Fall to his knees, and eventually onto his side despite the filth of the ground mingled with the blood of a man that killed right in front of them.

Meanwhile, Sherlock spoke for what felt like the first time in this whole ordeal. John could tell just from the tone of his voice that he too was experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. Fear and anxiety over what lead up to the altercation that ended in a murder and a revelation about Anita. Anger over being unwilling to use their guns sooner. And most of all, confusion as to why Anita hadn't detected them sooner. If ghouls were supposed to have more heightened senses than humans, she would have picked up on them a long time ago. She was either too focused on the other men to notice them, or she probably didn't care. In fact, it seemed more like she was wanting to distance between herself and whatever boss Sebastian had been referring to. Whatever the case may be, one thing was certain. John and Sherlock couldn't stay where they were any longer.

"John. John, get up. We have to go. It's not safe to be out here anymore". Said Sherlock urgently. But the only response that he received was an over the shoulder glance that showed how much John was still reeling from the events of the night. Sherlock called out to John one more time before he finally mustered up the energy to pick his flat mate up off of the ground and flag down a cab back to 221B.

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