Linked by a treacherous and a dark hidden past full of hatred, betrayal, and heartbreak. Join this incredible journey of hope, love and redemption.
Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer; the secret to redemption lies in remembrance.
Richard v...
I woke up in cold sweat. Damn!! that nightmare again. I can feel the blood rush to my ears and my heartbeat trying to slow down. I took a deep breath to calm down and got out of bed and walked outside to the balcony. I saw the moon out in the sky in all its glory and looking at it I forgot the last remnants of my nightmare. It looked so beautiful and serene and at it's full potential during the full moon it illuminates this foreign landscape into something breathtaking. I took in the fresh breeze and suddenly heard an inhumane growl not too far away from my room which faces towards the forest.
I quickly tried to identify where this sound is coming from and saw that it was coming from a darker part of the forest edge which showed dense trees growing together. A shiver went through me as I looked more closely at the forest edge and saw a large shadow move through the trees and suddenly I saw a large pair of electric blue eyes looking back at me from the shadows. I fell back startled and quickly got back to my feet dusting my behind. I again heard a louder growl which was closer to the inn then before and as the Inn has no fence or wall it, I panicked and quickly got inside my room, closed and locked my windows and pulled the curtain over it.
You never know what kind of animals or criminals are lurking around here. Well this is the country where my parents were killed in so I should be careful. There has been strange animal attacks on people especially young girls around my age who are tourists recently so now you know why I ran like a scaredy cat, it might have been a lone wolf who knows... I guess I just over reacted. Thank god Dee was not rooming with me, she would have definitely laughed her ass off.
I got into bed and as soon as my head touched the pillow, I drifted off to sleep dreaming about hauntingly beautiful electric blue eyes...
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