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The Goons:


Garuku Bluemoon

What are your personal flaws?

I try too hard, and it gets in the way a lot. I can't leave anything unfinished; it will drive me insane if it doesn't get done. I guess that's part of why I'm in Ravenclaw. It doesn't seem like my precise mindset should be much of a hindrance but it really is, especially when it comes to work. One thing has to be completed perfectly and completely before another thing can be started. It's irritating for not only me, but also everyone around me because with precision comes irritation that I can't be as perfect as I want to be, that it's completely impossible and implausible for perfection to actually exist for everything.

What are you afraid of?

I'm afraid to trust. Sounds crazy, right? I'm terrified of getting too close, only to be disappointed, especially when it comes to other wizards. It was difficult enough finding trust in Professor Sprout, but she took me in during my first year and treated me like a son. She is the mother I never had, but it took so long for me to trust her. I was terrified, to say the least. I know I tend to push people away, but that's due to fear. But with that said: Patrck? I don't know why that fear completely dissipates with him, almost like I'm not afraid to open up to him, for once in my life.

And that in itself terrifies me.

Who is the closest person to you?

In general, probably my father. He was my role model growing up, and still is to this day. When my mother walked out on us when I was young, he was all I had. My father is my best friend, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. But here, at school, Professor Sprout is truly a motherly figure to me, I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have her to confide in. She's such a loving lady, much better than the mother I remember from a young age.

Where is your favourite place in the world?

There's this creek, near my house at home. My dad would take me there when I was younger, before my mother left. He would take me out there and we would watch the water flow and the small fish swim around, as we waited out whatever my mother was up to back at the house. It was calming, peaceful. When mom left, my dad stopped taking me there, but I still went. It was the perfect place to think. I did that a lot as a kid: just think. Seemed like my mind was always on the run from something.

What was your family like growing up?

We were never the most perfect family in the world. In fact, some days were harder to get through than others. But my dad really was the person who got me through. I don't remember much about my mother: just that she wasn't the most kindhearted. She had no shame in bringing home other men, ashamed of her muggle husband. My mother was a whore, and had no shame in it. She treated me like garbage, and my dad even worse. The day she left, we celebrated, as sad as it may be to say that but secretly, that night in my room, I cried. Admittedly I still cry sometimes, longing for a good relationship with my mother, one I knew I'd never get.


Patrck Static

What are your personal flaws?

Depending on whom you ask, this could be answered differently. If you were to ask my house: I'm weak, I don't understand the very principle that a Pure-Blood Slytherin wizard should be and that's something to be ashamed of, to be discriminated for. If you ask the rest of the school: I'm a pompous, sly, evil Slytherin with no respect, no ability to care for other people, and too damn egocentric to understand I'm hurting others. If you ask me, though: I'm so misunderstood. I care too much, I pay too much attention to the harm I'm causing others, and it made a block that preventing me from stopping the abuse because the need to fit in is too great to ignore and I can't stand it. I can't stand knowing no matter what I do, I will be disappointing everyone.

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