Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. when your family made you stop talking to him once they found out he became a serpent
jughead, betty, kevin and archie all meet up at the diner to brainstorm ideas as to why you cut off all ties with him.
"maybe she thought you had gonorrhea" kevin says carelessly
"oh my god kevin, you need a filter! seriously nows not the time" betty scolds
"m-maybe I did something or said something stupid" jughead stuttered quietly
"no, jug she wouldn't just stop talking to you all together because of that" she said shutting down his thought
"I can't loose her, she's all I have I love her" he says beginning to loose hope
"did you just say you love her?" archie asks shocked
im lesbian
I thought you were american

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Romance" I SAW THE DARKNESS IN HER BEAUTY AND SHE SAW THE BEAUTY IN MY DARKNESS" all rights reserved @bbgmadii riverdale requests open