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"babe, I swear its not what it looks like

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"babe, I swear its not what it looks like. why can't you ever just believe me! I kissed Archie ONCE and you know I spent weeks apologizing, I felt awful about it. I would never do that again" she says finally catching up to you after you ran off seeing her and Archie hanging out after she promised you she wouldn't..

"no, you see thats your problem you can never take full responsibility for ANYTHING, EVER. you always somehow manage to flip every argument on me!" you scream.

"well if thats what you think, I can't change that" she simply states before backing up and walking away


girl imma b honest bro I fucking hate Betty, she's a self entitled, whiney lil brat who is so insecure and constantly insults Veronica in hopes to seem like a bad bitch but it just looks sad. like Betty, sweetie sit down you aren't that important stop trying to be rebellious and "not like other girls" its boring and frankly you look wack and tacky. oops dont @me

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