Chapter 2

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When I woke up, I was still grinning like an idiot. It's funny how little thing like a smile or a wink can make you feel like you're melting. Or is that just me? Anyways, when I got out of bed, took a shower, brushed my hair and my teeth and put on sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, I went into the kitchen to have breakfast. When I got there, sadly, Adara wasn't lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood with an axe in her chest and her head thrown at the other end of the room. Yeah, that's about how much I hated her. Adara was cooking something that looked like egg whites with vegetables and seeing that she didn't cook anything for me (as usual) I poured myself a bowl of Count Chocula cereal and some milk and started eating. "Good morning, Katerina. Did you sleep well?" she asked, feigning sweetness and compassion. Yuck. "Yeah, thanks for asking." After the failed attempt at small talk ended, we both ate our breakfast in silence and then went back to our rooms without another word. 

When I got back into my room, I logged on to Facebook and was instantly ambushed with worried texts from Sky and Ebony. Then I remembered I was supposed to meet them the other night, when I blacked out and Chris stayed with me until I regained my consciousness. I calmed them down, telling them that I fell asleep while watching a Disney movie and promising them we'd meet up that night. What? It wasn't an all-out lie. I did watch a Disney movie that day and fell asleep before I could go out. I promised myself I'd tell my friends about Chris later, but I just knew that right now wasn't the time to tell them. Thinking about Chris, I decided to start researching his immunity to compulsion. I went to my closet and opened my secret compartment with books about compulsion and supernatural history that I stole from Adara. She was too self-centered to realize she was supposed to teach me this stuff, so I had to figure it out on my own. After I went through every single book I owned at least twice and came up with nothing, I decided to search on the Internet, even though I doubted that any supernatural would be that stupid as to post our world's secrets online, for all humans to see. Pushing aside my doubt, I Googled compulsion and, to my surprise, several pages popped up, but most of them were either wannabe psychic blogs or The Vampire Diaries fanpages. Good, no supernatural posted stuff about compulsion. A part of me was happy that the supernatural world was a secret, but another part of me was pissed that I didn't find what I needed. So, in my despair to find out, I did the last thing I'd ever want to do; I went to ask Adara.

When I was in front of Adara's door, I swallowed down my pride, knocked on the door and went in. "Adara, I'm sorry to bother you, but could I ask you a question?" I said, acting like a nervous girl who came to her mother about anything and everything. "Of course. Tell me, what's on your mind?" she said with a spark of victory in her eyes. Good, she thinks you actually trust her. It should make it easier to get a real response to my question. As I went towards the sitting area, I took in Adara's room. Everything was decorated with red velvet, ebony wood and gold. If you think she actually paid for any of this, you are so, so wrong. Adara is the kind of person that gets what she wants, when she wants it, from whoever she wants it and through whatever means necessary. She compels people into doing her dirty work and getting whatever she needs for free. On the other hand, that's how we got electricity and hot water in here, so I'm not complaining. "Is it possible that a human is immune to compulsion?" After a moment of staring at me, she asked "Why do you want to know?" "Just curious." It wasn't a lie. I was curious as hell.  "Well, it's very rare, but not impossible. It only happens when a human is bound to a supernatural, but as I said, it's extremely rare." Suddenly, I remembered reading something about bonds between humans and supernaturals. It only happens when the two see each other for the first time and instantly feel a connection, not necessarily a romantic one. If the bond is strong enough, the two could read each other's minds and communicate telepathically. But it never said anything about making the human immune to compulsion, so I didn't pay it any mind. "How do you know if you're bound to a human?" After I saw Adara's questioning gaze, I added "Just in case it ever happens to me." After a while of thinking, she replied "Honestly, I have no idea. I guess you'd just know." My head was whizzing with the information I just got, a headache forming behind my eyebrows. My face must've been two shades paler because Adara asked "Are you alright? You look a little sick." "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for everything." I quickly went back to my room and threw myself on my fluffy, ancient princess bed, starting to think intently. Oh. My. God. Chris and I are bound?!? That explains so much. But maybe he's not even bound to me. Maybe he's bound to another supernatural. But that doesn't make any sense. If he was bound to another supernatural he should already know about the supernatural world and his immunity to compulsion. If I couldn't stand lying to him, I don't think any supernatural that is actually bound to him could lie to him either. But what if he was playing dumb? What if actually knew about supernaturals and faked it? My train of thoughts was interrupted when my bedroom door cracked opened, then opened completely to reveal Chris standing in front of it. He came into my room and closed the door quickly. He was wearin dark jeans, worn-out combat boots, a plain white T-shirt which fit him in all the right places and a gorgeous black leather jacket. I thought how soft his T-shirt would feel on my skin and how his hair would feel like silk between my fingers... I must have been staring for a while because when I finally snapped out of my thoughts his eyes were locked on me, watching me as I was watching him. Trying not to make his effect on me obvious, I said "What the... how did you get past the guards? And past Adara?" "There aren't any guards at the entry to the basement during visiting hours, and as for your mom-" "She's not my mom. Never was, never will be." I snapped. I hated it when people referred to Adara as my mother. Even if she's the one that gave birth to me, it still didn't feel right to call her mom. "OK then, as for Adara, I think she was talking on the phone or something." "Wait, Adara has a phone?" I asked, totally shocked. Wow, I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought I did. "I guess, why wouldn't she have one?" Chris asked, genuinely interested. "Well, Adara barely has any contact with the human world, or human technology. The only reason she goes out is to buy groceries and stuff like that." "Well, I guess we're not the only ones with a secret, then." he said. Honestly, I think that if I wasn't sitting on my bed right then, my knees would have failed me miserably and I would have shamefully collapsed to the floor. Regaining my normality, I said "I found some answers to why you're immune to compulsion." His eyes instantly lit up with excitement and curiosity. "But first I need to ask you something. And you have to promise to be one hundred percent honest about it." I continued. "OK, what's the question?" Taking a deep breath, I blurted the question out. "Do you have any other supernatural friends. Girls, possibly?" Taking a moment to think, he answered "Nope." "Are you sure?" "Scout's honor." he said, putting his hand to his heart with a huge grin spread across his gorgeous face. I couldn't help but smile, too, but I quickly became serious again. "Then there's only one reason you could be immune to compulsion." I took a minute to calm myself and find the words to explain to him this whole bond thing. I couldn't just go ahead and say Hey! Guess what? We're bound to each other because we both liked each other the minute we locked eyes! See, perfectly normal! Um, no thanks. "Well, what is it?" Chris asked, starting to lose his patience. "I know this is going to sound weird, but I think we're bound to each other. It rarely happens but it's not impossible. If the bond becomes strong enough, we can end up reading eachother's minds and communicating telepathically." As I waited for an answer, I stared into his eyes, trying to find the answer there. "Wow." he finally said. "And how exactly does this bond thing happen?" Trying to think of an answer that wouldn't put us in an awkward position but failing miserably, I decided to give it to him straight. "The bond comes up when a human and a supernatural first meet. They usually have feelings for one another instantly and they become bound." I finished with a guilty smile on my face. There. Now he knows you like him. This can only go terribly right, or terribly wrong. I either find out he likes me too, or that he doesn't have any feelings for me whatsoever and I'll just move on with my freaking life. When I looked beck up at him, his eyes were filled with an emotion that could only be described as a mix of surprise, happiness, lust and... for this last one I had to double-check to make sure I wasn't wrong... love. And as if it couldn'get any better than that, in a split second his lips found mine and kissed me so tenderly that it was as if I was made out of glass. After I got out of my state of shock, I kissed him back and our kiss deepened. My head felt as if it might explode and my heart was pounding so hard I would have been surprised if he didn't hear it. I wrapped my hands around his neck possessively and he did the same to my waist. Suddenly, I was hit by a wave of emotions. Love. Desire. Happiness. Shock. Lust. But somehow, I knew they weren't my emotions I was feeling. They were his. I slowly pulled away, and so did he. "Did you feel that, too?" I asked, slightly out of breath. "Yeah, I did." he said, just as shocked. "We should do that again." We started kissing again, more fiercely than before. Our mouths moved in unison, making the moment even more perfect than it already was, if that was even possible. When our kiss finally stopped, I had no idea for how long we had been kissing. A minute, five minutes, half an hour? "Yep, we're definitely bound." I concluded. Then I realized that somehow, during the kiss, I'd dragged Chris on my bed. And as I was looking into his gorgeous blue eyes, I peacefully fell asleep in his arms.

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