Chapter 3

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As I woke up, memories of last night came back to me in a frenzy of emotions. First, me finding out about my bond with Chris. Then, Chris unexpectedly coming over to see me. Then, Chris and I kissing. Then, me falling asleep next to Chris. At that thought, I turned around in my bed to check if he was still there, and surprisingly, he was. Looking at him, I realized how cute he looked when he was sleeping, his dark blonde hair sticking up in every direction known to man kind and that sexy mouth of his slightly parted, breathing slowly. Then, as I was staring at a sleeping Chris like an idiot, reality hit me. I started poking him in his shoulder, hoping to wake him up. Seeing as I got no response, I tried talking to him, hoping I'd somehow wake him up. "Chris, wake up, you have to leave." Starting to lose my patience, I shoved him, a little harder than I intended. With a low, sleepy grunt (which was extremely sexy, might I add) he finally moved.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart." God, his morning voice was just... pure music or something. Seriously. Finally getting over his sweet, sweet voice, I continued where I'd started off.

 "Chris, you need to leave. Adara could just burst in any second now." Even though I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want him to leave. But, if I do recall correctly, he did kiss me back. Does that mean that... Oh... my...-" 

"God." Chris interrupted me in mid-thought.

"Wait, how did you just... what? How?"

"Bond, remember?" he reminded me.

"But still, the bond would have to be really strong for us to be able to read each other's minds. I mean, we've barely known each other for a day, how could we even-" I was cut mid-sentence again, but this time by something much, much more meaningful than words. In an instant, Chris bent down and kissed me, letting all of his emotions wash over me. Love, happiness and a little bit of confusion because of the ungodly hour we've both woken up at, I thought. Then I decided I was done thinking, so I just let myself fall deeper into Chris, letting my emotions slip into his mind. I could tell he received them, because our kiss deepened and not being able to hold myself up, I collapsed on the bed, Chris quickly following as well.

"God, I really wish you didn't have to leave." I finally confessed, grinning like a 5 year old that just managed to steal an extra chocolate bar from his mom's drawer.

"What if-"

"Wait." This time, I was the one to cut him mid-sentence." I think we should try and speak to eachother's mind, just in case Adara hears us somehow. Can you hear me?"  I asked him telepathically. 

"I hear you. Can you hear me?" he asked back. 

"Yeah, I can!" I replied, smiling like an idiot again. You know, like the Cheshire cat grin? Yep, that's about it. 

"Just so you know, you're incredibly cute when you smile like that and scrunch up your nose." Chris said unexpectedly, then kissed my nose. I would've said "aww", but I didn't want to seem like one of those girls who melted because of one single compliment from one incredibly good-looking guy. 

"Stop trying to distract me! We have to figure out how to sneak you out of here without Adara asking questions that we can't answer." Even though I was trying to be serious, I couldn't help but smile while I said every single word in that phrase. 

"What if I don't leave?" Seeing my questioning look, he explained further "Out of what you told me, Adara sounds like a real bitch. Does she even check up on you?" Thinking about it, I realized he was right. 

"But what about your parents at home? Won't they notice that you're gone?"

"Nah, they're too busy fondling their biological kids with love and all the food they can find. My parents are about as caring as Adara." I couldn't help but giggle a little at that remark. 

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