One-shot: You're drunk, Danny.

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Warning: some smut omg I feel dirty writing this...


Danny plopped down on his couch as soon as he got home. Friday, finally.

He groaned as his phone started to ring. It was Steve.

"Steve, did you forget to tell me you love me?"

"What, so you can tell me you hate me? Yeah, no." Steve laughed. "I, uh, I wanted to ask you... if you would like to go to a club tonight...?"

Danny snorted. "Clubbing, Steven? Don't you think we're a little to old for that?"

"Exactly. We're getting old, and I want to go clubbing one last time before I'm too old." Steve sighed. "Please, I don't wanna go there alone like some weirdo."

"So you thought I'd come with you so we could both be weirdos?" Danny sighed. "Alright, when are you picking me up?"

Steve thought for a few seconds. "How about nine? And hey," he added, "we're taking a cab because tonight I'm giving my new liver a test run."

"My liver, Steven. It's in your body but it has my DNA so it's still mine. Lucky for you, the doctor said we could safely drink again." Danny sighed. "Alright, see you at nine."

When they arrived at the club, they got a lot of weird looks from all the twentysomethings inside.

Steve didn't really care though. He was headed straight to the bar, dragging Danny behind him.

To be fair, it wasn't that bad, Danny had to admit. The drinks were good and the music was loud. Usually, Actual Dad™ Danny Williams would have disapproved of this, but tonight, this was exactly what he needed. It had been a tough week and Danny just wanted to feel young again, to be reminded he still had the other half of his life in front of him.

They were both hammered in no time, not being used to these amounts of alcohol anymore.

Danny was a lot worse than Steve since he was a lot smaller.
They had moved from the bar to the dance floor, where Danny was now grinding in Steve a little to much for Steve's comfort.

He tried to ignore the bulge forming in his pants, which proved more difficult than he had thought, with Danny constantly rubbing his perfect ass against it.

Having replaced his self-control with alcohol, Steve gave in, resting his hands on Danny's shoulders only to slide them down to his hips.

Danny turned to face Steve, clearly enjoying himself. He brought his hands to the back of Steve's neck and pulled him down. "Come with me."

He grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathrooms.

When he shut the door behind them, Steve could still hear the thumping of the bass outside; he could feel it in the pit of his stomach and in his chest, but that might have just been his heart going wild.

"Danny, what-"

"Shuddup," Danny interrupted him, pressing his lips on Steve's.

After a brief moment of shock, Steve gave in, hungrily devouring the blond's lips that tasted like tequila and sweat.

Without breaking the kiss, Danny fumbled with Steve's belt, trying to open it.

Steve carefully took his hands. "Don't-" he panted into the kiss, "you don't have to do this, Danny. You're drunk, you don't even want this."

"Lemme-" Danny protested, looking Steve dead in the eyes. "I w- I want this, and- and- and I know you do, too."

Steve nodded. "I do, but-"

"Lemme. Please..." Danny started fumbling with Steve's belt again, finally opening it. Steve didn't protest this time. He just leaned his head against the cool wall of the bathroom stall as Danny's shaky hands tugged down his pants.

Danny was now on his knees in front of Steve; such a gorgeous sight. His blue eyes looked up at Steve as he carefully removed his boxers.

Steve tilted his head back and closed his eyes as Danny slowly started to suck him off.

Even drunk, the man was gentle and took his time.

A little too much time for Steve's liking. He wasn't exactly the patient type, and had to refrain himself from bucking his hips, taking control of the situation.

"Danny, please just- ah!"

Danny was teasing him, flicking his wet little tongue across Steve's tip, nibbling, kissing, before taking him into his mouth again. He hummed, creating a delicious vibration that made Steve weak in the knees.
It didn't take long after that.

After Steve had finished, Danny got up, gently pulling Steve's pants up.

He leaned against the taller man, pressing him against the wall that now felt ice cold against their heated skin.

"D-Danny." Steve tried to catch his breath. "Are you- are you sure you won't regret this tomorrow?"

The blond beauty kissed him with swollen lips. "If- if sober me tells you he regrets it, jusssst don't listen. He's a b- a big fat liar. You know I'm not very, uh, good at hiding my- my feelings, but, uh, I've been- I've been hiding these- these feelings from you... for a while now. Sssso don't believe him. Okay?"

Steve just stared at Danny, taking everything in. He looked so beautiful with his red, swollen lips, his disheveled hair that was usually so perfectly styled, and with that look on his face that said more than words could ever express.

This man had feelings for him, well, feelings of some sort. Love, lust, whatever. Tonight it didn't matter. This serious conversation could wait until tomorrow.


Wow I feel kinda dirty but I'm also kinda proud... if that makes sense. And this one-shot is like twice as long as most of my other ones how did that happen?
Anyway kids as always please don't have sex when you're drunk, that's still not a good idea.

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