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I wasn't sure what I was to do after I left the restaurant. He was still an arrogant, selfish fool. As far WS I was concerned. He deserved to be stuck with Anna as much as he deserved to burn in hell. I flagged down a taxi and told him my address.

Thirteen minutes later, I was unlocking the door to my apartment. I still considered myself lucky to be in it. My friend Kiki, an Asian American whose real name was Kira had bought it three months before being called over by her country for a mouth watering salary job. She immediately gave me the house for a price which is almost equal to free. I pulled off my old shoes and walked inside. I quickly sank into my sofa and exhaled. The room smelt freshly of pineapples, just the way I loved it. I was about throwing off my clothes when I heard the beep on my phone. I took it out, swiped it open and read my message. It was from Josh my boyfriend, he had messaged to tell me that he was calling and I wasn't picking and he would call me in two hours time hopefully, if he was free at work. I smiled and replied him with I'm sorry love. When I pressed the send button, I stood up and went to fix myself some cookies. I was mixing the flour when I felt the tears run down my cheeks. I didn't understand why my sister was being such an asshole. Getting pregnant for my ex boyfriend? I thought that was a bit too far. While I was putting the cookies in the oven, I heard the sound of the doorbell. I jumped and rushed to the security camera, I didn't know anything else I owned that was worth stealing apart from this whole house, well you cannot just literally steal a house by moving it but I still checked the security cameras after each bell sound. My face lit up with a smile when I saw mum's face on my camera. She knew I would be staring at her which I was doing.

"Mum!" I cried as I hugged her. I hadn't seen her in nine months. I had promised to come back for Easter which I didn't.
"Rachel" she cried too "you silly girl" she hugged me tighter.
I nearly suffocated "I'm sorry mum" I said. She released me and walked inside, dropped her bag and went straight into the kitchen.
"You girl, you're cooking all alone" she said
"I can handle it mum" I sighed.
She fixed herself a cup of hot milk and sugar, then sat to enjoy "what's wrong Rachel?" She asked
I raised a brow "what's wrong?" I mouthed "oh, I just went out to see someone and I..."
"We both know that's not what I mean child" she said. At twenty nine she still called me that.
"Well, what do you mean?" I asked diverting my eyes to avoid her completely.
"Why did you miss Easter, you were to come back on your Dad's also missed our wedding anniversary for Pete's sake"
"It ain't my wedding so why should I bother" I snapped. Immediately I said those words I regretted it. She stared at me puzzled.
"Wow" she said.
I threw up my hands "you know I didn't mean those words mum, I am really sorry"
She nodded "what's going on, your dad is worried too. You seldom called home and you almost never pick up when we call. Are you okay?"
I faked a smile "oh no, I was too busy"
"Rachel" she said as she took a long gulp of the milk that I wondered if her tongue burnt at all, then dropped it and came closer.
"You don't lie to your Mama remember" she said, her brown eyes boring into the deepest of my secrets. Her shoulder length blonde hair was packed into a bun. Her face was flawless and beautiful. Too beautiful to be fifty.
"Mum" I just said, my voice giving me away.
"Is it Anna?"

Ken's POV

I didn't believe Rachel would be so mean to stand up and walk out on me. Maybe I wasn't as cute as she thought I was earlier. She was obviously angry at me, It took me a few minutes to get over the shock before my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID but saw nothing. I sighed and picked it up.
"Hi, it's Ken" I said tiredly.
"Well I know it's you my love" Anna's voice blared from the other end.
I pouted in frustration "what do you want?" I asked dryly.
"You weren't this dry when we were in bed last week" she laughed "having a bad day?"
I nearly cursed under my breath "What do you want Anna?" I asked again.
"I felt my baby, no our baby kick so I called you to let you know" she flirted.
My hands tightened into a fist "Anna!" I said between clenched teeth"
"Calm down baby papa, it was just a joke" she laughed "now let's get serious"
I ignored her "what?"
"Let's meet, it's urgent" she said "let's meet in ten minutes. I know you aren't at work"
I smiled to myself, I had called in at work to let them know I would be in late, it didn't go down well with my pig faced boss but he agreed.
"Yea" I said rather stiffly "I am on my way right now to Detroit, I need to see my grandpa" I lied immediately.
She huffed "your grandpa lives down the country here in Chicago and you're sitting with your head in hand at the Sally's" she smirked "sit tight I am across the road and I got my eyes on you"
I nearly cried out in frustration at however I got myself involved with this bag of trouble.

Rachel's POV

"Is it Anna?" Mum asked again. I felt the tears whirl in my eyes. It was time to open up and she was the only one I could open up to.
"Yea" I said weakly "it has everything to do with her"
"Good, now let it out" she said "if this is about Ken..."
"Ken was three years ago Mum" I reminded, then slowly added "but they both hurt me, especially Anna. For love's sake, she is my sister!"
She held me "that boy isn't yours, if Rachel hadn't snatched him, another naked girl would have. The boy is a weak lad" she said.

I smiled "it keeps getting worse day by day" I said "I bet the news I am about to tell you would shock the hot milk out of you now" I said seriously.
She dropped her cup "is she going out with your boyfriend now?" Her face red.
I frowned deeply, "of course not, I will kill her if she dared" I said seriously again.
"Then tell me" mum said impatiently.
I nodded, then took a deep breath then said "Anna is pregnant" I stated "pregnant for Ken"
"Holy Milking Cow!" Mum exclaimed.

I just started this book, please leave your reviews and comment. One love to you all

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