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"Happy birthday Rachel" Carlos smiled. He was my boyfriend after Ken and he looked quite fatter than the last time I saw him. His stomach fought to stay within the shirt. I almost slapped myself for once loving this frog.
"Thanks" I said dryly.
He handed me a wrapped gift, I took it from him with a smile "Thanks again"
He nodded "You know, I'm really sorry..."
I lifted my hand to shun him "its my birthday today, don't ruin it Carlos and as you can see I've gotten over it a long time ago. So please enjoy the party" I said. I saw the shock on his face and was satisfied, I smiled again and walked away.
"Let's all settle down now" the M.C said over the microphone "The party is about to start in a bit"
Everyone scurried to take a seat round the tables. I took my seat beside Josh and round the table that was reserved for my family. Sean smiled at me broadly, I returned it. The M.C said a couple of things, then when it was time for my speech, he said

"The celebrant Rachel Hall, please come to the stage and give an opening speech" the M.C said.
I stood up accompanied by claps and smiles. I walked up to the stage set aside and Josh's face encouraged me.

I cleared my throat and giggled into the microphone, the crowd laughed too. I looked into the beautiful faces around. Ken wasn't here yet and Anna didn't come. Somehow I was thankful they didn't, because it was like their presence wrecked one havoc or the other or they carried one drama or the other. Drama and havoc was the last thing I needed on this my special day.
"Hi" I began "I'm really happy that you all made out time perfectly today to celebrate my birthday. This past few years I have fallen, gotten up and become stronger and today I celebrate a new year in my life. Thank you all for still being here with me. My family, friends and everybody!" I paused to allow their claps die down "For those who have already given me gifts, thank you too! To my sweetheart Joshua, I can't say enough" I looked at him and he blew me a kiss, everyone chuckled. "To my parents, I say I love you. To my brother Sean, I can't love you less!" U looked around "I can't start calling everyone's names here but to all the beautiful faces staring at me, I love you all"
I walked down the stage, accompanied by claps and smiles again. The M.C went up stage and announced that it was time to dance, we would come back to the speeches later. Josh and I were called upon to dance.
"I bet you can't even shake your waist or move your legs" Sean poked at me, I hit him gently behind his back and took Josh's hand and we were dancing in the floor in seconds. Sean was right, I was useless in dancing and I only kept dancing because it was my birthday and I had to dance and since there was nobody paying specific attention to us, I kept dancing. The floor was already full and music was blaring in its highest, I sighted Sean dancing effortlessly with a pretty blonde. When he saw me, he winked at me. I scoffed and averted my eyes, I was about to concentrate on my dancing when my eyes caught sight of someone familiar. I loosened my grip on Josh and stared at the door, it can't be her I thought. She turned and looks around, searching for something or someone...someone! Maybe me. She looked both beautiful and great today I had to admit. When our eyes locked, I saw a smirk grow on her face as she approached me. This was my nightmare.

"No, No, no" I whispered but since I had said it into Josh's ear he heard it.
"What's wrong Sunshine?" he asked letting go of me gently and turned to follow my eyes to whatever it was that had stolen my color and made my eyes turn red. This time Anna was standing in front of us, purse clenched in hand perfectly but immediately she saw Josh, she stepped back in what appeared to be utmost shock.
"Hey" Josh said smiling to her.
My heart skipped a bit. Josh knew her? No, my heart wasn't about to be broken again.
"You made it" he said looking really glad.
Anna nodded "yea...I d..id"
Josh held my almost stiff body and pulled me closer "This is..."

I cut him off and stared at Anna coldly, then to Josh I said "Did you organize this whole thing and you want to disorganize it too!" I yelled. I attracted no attention as the others were busy dancing to the loud music.
"Don't be rude" Josh said smiling at me and then back at her apologetically. "Annabel this is my girlfriend I was talking to you about. Her name is Rachel." He said, then pointing at me she said "and this is..."
"What the hell are you doing here" I asked her coldly, causing him to look at me again.
Anna smirked "why not ask him, he invited me"
I glared at Josh "do you ladies know yourselves?"
"That is Annabel Hall my sister" I said and just as t as the colour left my face, Josh's face turned to a signature of shock and disbelief. "This is the witch I have been avoiding my whole life!"

"Oh God!" Josh signed.

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