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I wake up a while later to find myself in an empty room and look at the time, huh, 1:17 am. "Jack....... Jack......... Jaqkkkk...." I repeat the ghost boy's name as I get up and start searching through the house for him but after not finding him anywhere so I plop down on the couch. I attempt to turn on the T.V. but when I do something goes wrong and loud static starts going off causing Alex to come running down the stairs in only his underwear with a flip flop as a weapon. 

He looks around the room before realizing it was either Jack or I as sighing, "Jack, is it you?" I watch as he sits on the couch with his head in his hands for a moment before looking up towards the ceiling with tears in his eyes before coming back to where I am standing. "I don't really know where exactly you are, if its even you but god you have no idea how much I miss you." 

His light humorless laugh is the only sound for a second before he breaks down, "You were my best friend. Fuck you still are my best friend and I miss you so much. I miss when we would hang with our friends in my basement for hours, practicing so we could be a band. God, we wanting to make music so bad, I still do some days but I can't now. It just doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm at my all time low without you here. It's not like I'm alone, I found Jenn but its not the same ya know? Two people are never the same." His sobs are loud as he says the words that broke me, "I still can't believe you committed suicide."

My hands fly mouth as the words sink in. Jack had killed himself? But he seems so happy? Why would he do it when he had someone who loves him? Why does this hurt me so badly? I hardly know him. Alex calms himself down eventually and retreats back upstairs and to bed with me sitting alone in the dark living room with tears falling from my eyes. I don't know how long I'm there but after a while I can no longer cry so I just sit there as the sun starts to rise through the window. 

"Kiley!!! Wait why are you crying?! Did you have another dream about Bob Ross dying?" Jack asks with humor in his voice as he enters the room.

"No I just- things are kinda still sinking in I guess." I give a fake laugh and smile to show that I'm 'ok' before he nods and tells me to get ready which when I ask what for he responds with 'a walk'. I run my hands through my still clean hair and go to Jack's old bedroom where I find a pile of female clothing sitting on the bed consisting of the basics that every girl needs. I change into leggings and opt for on of Jack's shirts since the sports bras make me have a uniboob type of thing that I need to cover.

Going back to Jenn's house is easy and I see Jaqk waiting for me by the front door with his arm out stretched, "That's my shirt you dweeb!"

I loop my arm in his like we're an elderly couple and just laugh, "I happen to like this top ok?" He rolls his eyes and we leave the house and walk around in the warm-ish weather that feels nice on my weird looking translucent skin, "you know this isn't normally how a girl and guy act after knowing each other for like two days."

"Yeah but we're not normal are we?" I shake my head and we continue to walk, making small talk for a while until the sun was setting and we are sitting by the river that runs through the park, "Hey can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Earlier when you were crying, you said it was because of everything going on but that isn't the case is it?"

I shake my head that was resting on his shoulder, "Alex woke up last night and though I was you. He told me about how much he misses you and the good times you all had.... He also said that you committed suicide." Jack tenses at my words but says nothing so I just let it go for a moment until the silence is overwhelming, "why Jack?"

"I just- I couldn't do it anymore. Everything in life was coming down and I lost grip on it all. I had no control over anything anymore and I just wanted to go back to normal but it didn't. In fact it got worse and one night I lost it, I swallowed 76 pills of all kinds and went to sleep. When I woke up I was a ghost and it was too late for me to make a choice on what to do." 

Not knowing what to say I give a small nod and we fall back into a silence and just stay there cuddled to each other as the sky goes dark and the air starts to cool. An idea pops into my head and I jump up from my spot quickly before shedding off my top layer of clothes and running into the river, "Come on ya nerd!" 

Jack runs after me while stripping off his clothes, leaving him in his boxers before joining me in the cold water that has no effect on me. He catches up to me quickly and grabs my waist, pulling me back to him, "Nerd?"

Turning so I can face him even though I'm still to short I retort back with, "Yes ya nerd!" Suddenly hands go under my knees and lift me so that my legs are wrapped around his torso. "But you wanna know my little secret?"

He brings his face forward so our foreheads are touching, "Spill."

"I think nerds are hot," With that I pull his face forwards and place my lips on his own which he responds to by kissing me back immediately. The kiss deepens and I have no idea how long we made out in the water since neither of us actually needed air but after a while he did pull back and smile at me.

"Dweebs are ok as well," I scoff playfully at him and we make our way back to the shore where we put our clothes on and walk back to Jenn's house where Emma is attempting to burn sage with Dawson while Alex and Jenn hold them to the ground and Griffin laces the Ouija board out on the table.

Jenn: Guy we want them to come so we can talk to them! Sage is bad for ghosts!

Emma: What if it isn't even them?

Dawson: And even if it is why would should we communicate with them?

Alex: Because they're our friends so we are going to try whether you like it or not

Griffin: Guys lets just take everything down a notch, ok?

Emma: Fine but if things get weird I'm leaving to get baptized or get an exorcism

Jenn: Ok ok 

Alex: Alright. Jack! Kiley! Are you guys here?

I move the pointer towards the word yes which causes Emma to suck in a breath,

Emma: Guys I really don't like this

Griffin: You'll be fine. Neither of them will hurt you

Jenn: Ok point at 1 if it's just Kiley, 2 if it's Jack, if both then point at 3 

Jack moves the piece to the number 3 and everyone sighs in relief

Alex: Are you guys doing ok?

The pointer moves once again to yes and a silence falls over everyone in the room, 

Griffin: So last night I was doing some reading and I found a way for Jack and Kiley to come back to the human world

Jenn: What?!?! How

Dawson: Reincarnation

Emma: Ummmmm.... the fuck?

Griffin: So when a baby is in the womb they can just go in there as well and the human mother's body will make a fetus for them, they will be born again and live life once again

Alex: But they will all be anywhere between 18 and 20 years younger than us...

Dawson: Not if we join them

Emma: Guys what the fuck are you talking about?

Griffin: Dawson and I are willing to join them in their state and reincarnate with them so we will age together

Jenn: Alright I'm in

Alex: If my girl is going and my best friend is already there then I'm going

Emma: Are you all fucking nuts?!?! You're all willing to kill yourselves for something we aren't sure about!

Alex: Yeah pretty much

Emma: Fine but I want a gucci belt for this

Jenn: Deal

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