Oh Shit.... We All Died

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We all go about our typical business but soon the humans leave, making it just Jack and I who are sitting on the couch and watching re-runs of friends. Soon everyone comes back with bags in hand and they all go to the kitchen where Jenn pours like 8 bottles of pills in a blender and turns it on until it becomes a powder which she then adds shit to in order to make it a 'suicide smoothie'. Jack and I watch in horror and try to scream or grab at them to stop but it's to late.

Everyone in the room downs the drink and soon begin to lay down from a drug induced exhaustion that will lead to their last moments in their world. My eyes start to water and before I know it i'm sobbing into Jack's shoulder as he tries to sooth me, telling me they will be with us soon which makes me cry even harder.

"Oh my god..... Kiley? Jack?" My head turns upon hearing my name and i see our group of friends standing there looking at us. I say nothing and just run over them, embracing them in a tight hug.

"Oh my god guys!" I yell out happily as we all sit in a group hug. "You fucking idiots! You killed yourself?!?!" 


Jenn: We're idiots? You died in the shower!

Kiley: In my defense I was listening to a bop!

Jack: And here I thought you at least died in a cooler way. Was it even a good bop?

Kiley: One worth dying over? No. Oh but hi Dawson!

Dawson: Jesus...... h-hi Kiley

Griffin: Wait a second... Is Vlad not coming with?

Emma: I didn't tell him. I wrote a letter to him but I don't want him to do this.

Alex: Got it. OK Griffin, how do we reincarnate?

Griffin: Ok so we all need to go to a major city hospital to the pregnancy unit. Then choose a women and connect to her soul, try and pair up so it'll be sets of twins but don't pair with your significant other. You and your partner will grow as twins and we all need to promise to try and find each other ok? 

Emma: Do we get to choose our twins?

Griffin: Yes

Jenn: I want Emma!

Dawson: I'll go with Alex

Griffin: Jack?

Jack: Then who goes with Kiley?

Kiley: I'll be fine alone. I'll find a twin at the hopsital

Alex: OK. I vote we go to Baltimore


We all agree and go to the Baltimore hospital where once we get to the maternity ward everyone says good bye one last time and we all disperse into a womb. "See you guys later!" ANd with that I begin the process of reincarnation.

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