(4) Doing Something I Might Regret Later

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Chapter Four... Doing Something I Might Regret Later

The last two classes of school flew by quickly. I never thought that I would ever be so excited to go home, until Joseph found me wandering through the car park. I had blankly forgotten where he had parked; this morning he asked me to meet him at his car in the afternoon. He walked up behind me as I roamed aimlessly around the cars of the rich students that went here.

"It's at the front," he whispered in my ear. I jumped. 

"Hi!" I squealed, shaken a little. 

"What are you up to this afternoon?" Joseph asked, walking me in the right direction to his car. I spotted it, then shook my head. 

"How could I not find it?" I asked myself. Joseph stopped me in my tracks. 

"You didn't answer my question," he said seriously. I giggled. 

"I'm going home to wallow in self-pity," I replied sarcastically. "Why?" 

"Come to my house," he demanded. I frowned a little. 

"Why?" I repeated. 

"Because my parents are away for work, and we can talk there," he smiled. 

"Oh," I gasped. I wasn't sure about going to the house of a guy I barely knew.  

"Please, Em?" Joseph begged. "I wanna get to know you more. I won't attack you or anything, you know!" he joked. I laughed, and I believed him too. 

"Alright," I agreed. "I really don't want to go home anyway. My mother will be there," I scowled. He allowed me to climb in the car now, and I slid into it, a little nervous. I wasn't sure why.

We arrived at Joseph's house. It was magnificent; elegant and clearly new. The house I lived in was much older, though elegant in its own way. The large water fountain in the centre of the yard with gardens and a loop driveway around it made the house look even more beautiful. My face lit up; I had never been to a house like this before.

Joseph parked in the three-car garage, and cut the engine. I sat nervously until he beckoned me to get out. My knees shook slightly and I nearly lost my footing. Not good for a new cheerleader, I joked to myself. We walked through the front door, and the foyer pretty much spelled out that this house was owned by someone with very deep pockets. Joseph laughed at my wide-open mouth as he showed me through all the rooms in the house. I made unique facial expressions for each room, and I couldn't control myself over it.

Finally, we reached Joseph's room, and my first instinct was to take a seat on his bed. His room was twice the size of mine, complete with an oversized ensuite. The large windows and the doors opening onto a small but convenient balcony made the room look even bigger.

"So... you like it?" Joseph questioned mockingly. 

"Umm... yeah," I managed to form the word 'yeah' in all my surprise. 

Joseph laughed loudly, then sat next to me on the bed. Very close to me. I shivered a little. 

"Are you cold?" he whispered, then kissed my neck. I giggled nervously. 

"That tickles a little," I whispered back, pulling my jacket off. It was getting hot in here. 

"You're scared?" he laughed, kissing my cheek. I giggled. 

"No," I said calmly. I turned to him, and kissed him.

It was a heated, passionate kiss. I suddenly found myself stripping gradually, and slipping under the doona. In the heat of the moment, I allowed myself to follow through, unable to stop. I was enjoying it too much. My body moved exactly as I wanted it to, and I lost control. Joseph and I were getting fully physical... and neither of us were willing to stop.


I had fallen asleep, and awoke in darkness. Joseph had too.

Confused, I sat up. Once I'd realised where I was, I climbed out of the bed, seeking my clothes. My mother would be getting worried now. Not that I cared too much. I picked up my phone... seven missed calls and a text message. It read...

"Emily, come home soon please. I'm getting worried. At least ring back. I'm sorry about this morning. Talk soon. Mom."

I rang her to declare that everything was alright. I lied, saying I was hanging out with some new friends and had completely lost track of the time. She was thrilled to know I was alrigh.; I told her that I was now a cheerleader, and she seemed happy. I promised I would be home soon. Joseph awoke, but remained silent until I hung up the phone.

"Your mom?" he questioned.  

"Umm, yes," I said quickly. "Er, I have to go. Sorry." 

"Oh," he mumbled. "Er... see you tomorrow then." I frowned as he fell back to sleep.

I thought he would have cared more. This guy just took my virginity, and he chose to roll over and sleep? I was angry! I stormed out, rushing toward the nearby train station. I was anxious to get home. I had done something that I already regretted, with someone who couldn't care less if I got home alright or not. What was with men?!

I wondered if all men were like this, as I climbed on a train and headed home. The cold weather outside was bitter, and I couldn't wait to have a hot shower. I felt dirty. What had I done? And how had I let myself have sex with someone I'd met yesterday? I wasn't this type of girl, no. My parents had way too much bad influence over me, I concluded.

As I travelled home on the train, I fought back tears. Shuddering, I felt cold. And that was when I realised my scarf was missing...

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