(5) Apologies

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Chapter Five... Apologies

I awoke the next morning to find Kayden asleep on the floor next to my bed. I wondered if my mom had gone out again... typical.

I slowly climbed out of bed, avoiding stepping on my little brother, before picking up his tiny figure and placing him in my bed. I wrapped blankets around him, and his perfect little face formed a small smile whilst he slept. It was beautiful.

I headed downstairs. Mom was actually in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. Dad sat at the table, reading the paper. This was unusual; my parents were usually too busy to be in the same house together, let alone the same room.

I frowned, then took a seat at the table.

"Good morning, Emily," my dad said, not looking up from his paper. "Getting a ride today with that boy you barely know?" 

"Er... I don't know," I replied truthfully. Joseph hadn't spoken to me last night... I wasn't counting on him talking to me today. 

"Were you with him last night?" dad continued. How did he know?  

"No," I lied. "I was with the other cheerleaders." 

"Okay..." he sighed, still looking at the paper. 

"Eggs, Em?" mom asked. I nodded.  

"And bacon!" I added, smiling. 

Mom brought breakfast over to the table. My father ate while he read the paper still, whereas mom ate in silence. It was awkward being between them. 

"Kayden was asleep on the floor in my room, mom," I said, trying to make conversation. Mom looked up. 

"He was up half the night, throwing tantrums," she sighed. "At least he's asleep." 

"He's in my bed, when you're looking for him," I added. Mom gave a small nod.

The intense silence was bothering me. I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Okay, why the hell are you two in the same room for once, but you can't even make the effort to talk to each other?" I snapped. 

They both looked up. 

"Your father is moving out this weekend," mom snarled curtly. Dad looked at me. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Oh, Emmy, you know why!" she cried. "The bastard slept with that... twenty-something neighbour!" 

I didn't know mom knew. 

"Oh..." I gasped. "You told her dad?"  

"No," dad replied. "Shana told her. Last night. Kayden didn't sleep because we were arguing. You got home too late... missed the fact I slept in the spare room." 

"Probably for the better," I mumbled.  

"What's that?" dad asked. 

"You!" I shouted. "Come on, dad! How could you? I've always thought but until I came home the other night and found that blonde thing in bed with you, and mom nowhere to be seen, it was just a theory in my head!" I was getting angry. 

"Oh, get over it, you little bitch!" dad growled back. Mom stood up defensively. 

"Do not call my daughter that!" mom screamed. "She didn't do anything wrong! That was you! You tore this family apart!" 

"Just because you're an alcoholic, Kathleen, doesn't mean you're the perfect parent all of a sudden!" dad shouted back at her. I hadn't meant to cause an argument between them. 

"I know I'm not!" mom retaliated. "But at least I didn't go screwing other people!" 

"No, our daughter did that for you!" dad shouted. "She's turning into the little slut that you would be were you not married! Don't you deny it, Kathleen! Don't you DARE deny it!" 

"What's this got to do with me?" I screamed at him. "I haven't done anything!" 

"Bullshit!" dad shouted.

Kayden started crying upstairs. I took off to get him. We didn't need to be a part of the fighting. I hid in my room with Kayden, leaving my parents to argue.

Their argument could be heard plainly up the stairs. Tears welled in my eyes... I was far from a slut, why would my dad say that. After what seemed like forever, I heard the door slam, a car start up, and skidding tyres as the car sped down the street. Then, a knock at my door.

Mom entered... she had been crying.

"Joseph's here, Em," mom said quietly. "He turned up as your father stormed out of the house. I'll take Kayden," she added, picking up the toddler and hugging him. He sooked up to her, and I smiled through my own tears. 

"You go to AA meetings, don't you, mom?" I asked kindly. 

"Yeah," mom smiled. "I didn't want to worry you. Four months sober."  

"Awesome!" I said excitedly, hugging her. "Do you like Joseph?" I asked her, as Kayden patted my head. 

"He seems okay," mom said. "I'd like to get to know him. Were you with him last night?" 

"Yes," I said truthfully. "Please don't be mad." 

"I'm not, Emmy," mom said seriously. "Just... play it safe, if you know what I mean. That is, unless, you want one of these," she added, playing with Kayden's hair. I chuckled. 

"Not yet, mom," I sighed. 

"Thank God," she whispered.

I finished getting ready for school while mom went downstairs to entertain Joseph. I came downstairs to see that Joseph held my crimson scarf in his hand. I smiled, running up and hugging him.

"Sorry about last night," he whispered in my ear. Mom left the room, taking a sleepy Kayden up to his room. 

"I think we jumped in too soon," I said suddenly, "I've been thinking about it all night. It was nice, but... too quick." 

"I know," he said, relieved. "I was hoping you thought the same." 

"Let's just... go slow," I smiled.

"Agreed," he grinned. "I really like you, Emily."

"And I like you, too," I said, kissing his cheek softly.

"Time for school," he sighed, checking his watch.

"Fun," I frowned. "Bye, mom!"

Mom called back a goodbye, and I turned to Joseph. He took my hand, smiling.

We both headed out the door for school unenthusiastically then.

Apologising was something I could feel we were going to do a lot of. But if it meant we were happy, I could handle that.

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