(2) I'm Your Daughter, Not Your Babysitter!

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Chaper Two... I'm Your Daughter, Not Your Babysitter!

I arrived home just as the snow started to get thicker. My father had gone for an interview with his new boss, but mom was clearly home. Great. I walked inside to hear Kayden screaming, and I almost turned around and walked straight back out. I knew that I didn't want to be here, but I didn't really have a choice. Plus, I wanted a hot shower. I nervously made my way to the kitchen, and found my mother cooking dinner whilst Kayden screamed from his playpen in the corner.

"I'm home," I announced. Mom looked at me, then smiled in relief.

"Thank God, Emily!" she sighed. "I have to go out tonight, I need you to watch Kayden. Thanks!"

I felt my mouth drop open.

"Where could you possibly have to go tonight?" I snapped. Mom looked at me disapprovingly.

"That's my business," she snared. I rolled my eyes.

"When will dad be home?" I asked. "Can't he watch him?"

"Late," she gasped. "So will I. Drinks with the girls tonight, then whatever else we get up to."

I was mortified. My parents were always acting like they were twenty years younger than they actually were! It was incredibly disturbing. Sometimes, they made me feel like I was the only adult around here, and I was a goddamn teenager! This made me furious!

"I'm not a babysitter," I stated. Mom glared at me, then turned to take her cooking apron off. I realised she was already dressed to go, and she was cooking dinner for two: me and Kayden.

"Emily," mom scowled. "You're staying home with your brother, and that's that. You want pocket money? You'll babysit."

"What a shit of a threat!" I snapped unwillingly. Mom was suddenly in front of me.

"Don't you swear at me!" she threatened. "It may just be the last thing you do!"

"Well why don't you act like a mother for once and stop treating your youngest daughter like a babysitter so that you can act out your twenties because you decided to settle down and have kids!" I screamed. Mom was silent.

"Why can't you be simple, Em?" she complained. "Like Shellie. She's simple."

"Yeah, and boring." Mom didn't appreciate my 'boring' remark.

"Please, Emily Alyssa Harper!" Mom only used my full name when she was desperate. "I need to have this night out. I need it."

"Fine," I gave up. "But I want a new phone." I had to add the last part.

"Keep dreaming, Em..." mom moaned.

Mom left, and I turned so settle Kayden. He seemed to settle easily with me, and he cuddled up to me as soon as I picked him up. I always felt sorry for my baby brother; he was neglected by his parents. They loved him, they just didn't seem to have time for him. Mom was always off with someone, and dad would work long hours to avoid being home alone with Kayden. I didn't get it. I loved this little boy to bits, but he was clearly neglected!

After Kayden and I ate our dinner, I put on a moive and we cuddled on the lounge.


We had gotten too comfortable. I dozed off to sleep right in the middle of the film, and I knew that Kayden wouldn't be far off. I awoke to find a dark house, and knew it had to be late. I sat up and realised that Kayden was no longer in my lap. I could hear my father snoring upstairs, and noticed a pile of clothing at the foot of the stairs. I vaguely took notice to them until I reached the top, and spotted a gold heel that was clearly too large to belong to my mother. I crept into my parents' room to spy, and found a twenty-something lying in bed next to my forty-year old father. Gross!

 I had always suspected they cheated on each other...

I closed the door, then crept to check on Kayden. He slept soundly in his bed, moving occasionally. I wondered where my mother was... I didn't really want to know. This was far too common around here, something that happened too often. It was hard to believe that my family could be so disturbed in the world, too disgusting... I felt like I didn't belong here.

All I knew was that I wanted to sleep in my own bed. I tucked Kayden in tightly, kissed him goodnight, then slowly crept through the silent night toward my room. Laying down in bed, my mind raced.

Where was my mother at? What had she been up to? I had always suspected she was an alcoholic, and that she went out and drank all night, screwing whoever she came to meet. And now I knew that my father was a cheater.

This wasn't the environment that Kayden should be growing up in. I couldn't help but wonder if mom and dad were like this when Shellie and I were Kayden's age. Well, roughly, since Shellie's a year older. But even so, parents are more disturbed than some of their children. I didn't doubt that.

As I slowly dozed off to sleep, I couldn't help but think that all my mother ever thought of me was a babysitter for Kayden. I wasn't her daughter, I was her servant. Tears welled in my eyes, because I felt hurt and alone.

Crying myself to sleep, the events of the day ran through my mind.

Today was a nightmare. Tomorrow was likely to be worse.

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