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"The siren waits thee, singing song for song"

The following day, Eleni created the paperwork that would allow her to join the students at Beacon Hills High School

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The following day, Eleni created the paperwork that would allow her to join the students at Beacon Hills High School. The top of the paperwork bore the name that she would be taking on at the surface: Eleni Pakulski. A quick Google search had permitted her to come up with a basic Polish name, one that would give her a subtle connection with the Stilinskis.

The second factor that she needed to work on was her appearance. Over the years, the blue scales on the side of her face had increased. They started at her hairline and went to almost the center of her cheeks where they merged with her skin. Her bright green eyes also had increased brightness. They allowed her to see when she was deep in the ocean. The other thing that made her stand out was her hair that reached her butt, however she couldn't bear to change it. She grabbed some basic human clothing from her wooden chest in her room and pulled them on. She swam to the shore and as she neared it, her scales transformed into the same light brown skin of the rest of her face and her bright green eyes dimmed to a hazel.

Eleni swam fast as her lungs mutated and begged for air. When she reached the shore, she forced herself to stand up, her bare feet in the sand and her legs wobbling in the unfamiliar environment. The sand felt warm and scratchy under her feet. Her toes pressed in the sand and she carefully maneuvered around the shells. Her feet were sensitive to the sharp objects dug in the sand.

She waited for a few minutes so that her jean shorts could dry as well as her white t shirt. Her long, black hair remained soaked but Eleni didn't seem to care. After all, she lived in the ocean. She began to walk around the town marveling at everything she saw. The buildings stood tall and teenagers on bikes wizzed past.
Without the supernatural creatures that disturbed it, Beacon Hills could even be referred to as pretty.
As she neared the school building, she was stopped by a deputy in his cruiser.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked from his seat inside the car. He drove slowly as he followed Eleni's path.
It took a moment for the words to register in her mind, seeing as she was used to the "screeching" that sirens used to communicate. Humans' voices were in a much lower register and much slower. They were quite boring.

"I'm fine," she responded as sweetly as she could.

"You ought to be wearing some shoes. You don't want to be stepping on anything sharp."

At this point, the officer had begun to get on her nerves. His stupid, donut eating grin seemed to be stuck on his face, as if rubbing it off would be impossible.

She stopped walking abruptly, causing the deputy to slam on the brake. She turned toward the window of the car, where the officer was leaning out of, and allowed her green eyes to briefly appear. She just wanted him to stop and leave her alone. She was trying to wipe out a few species, not exactly an easy task.

Using the song that sirens were well known for, she encouraged the officer to look the other way and continues on his patrol. As the officer passed her on the road, she continued her walk through the town to the high school.

The idea of human school disgusted Eleni. It seemed pointless. The brains of the students were filled with unnecessary information whereas Eleni was taught by her mother how to survive and conquer the ocean as well as the surface. In order to get close to Scott McCall and destroy his pack, she'd have to endure the useless classes that they would put her through.

Upon arriving to the building, she was greeted by a small woman at the front office.

"I am the student transfer from Poland, Eleni Pakulski. I have the remaining paperwork and would like to have my schedule please."

The woman smiled and motioned for Eleni to follow her to a desk in the corner of the office.

"It must have been such a culture shift when you moved here. And warm! I imagine the change in weather was an experience in itself," she elaborated after digging out Eleni's schedule for the rest of the year.

Eleni smiled, though the only change that drastically affected her was the lack of water. In this environment, she couldn't float and move with ease. She felt heavy as she lifted her feet for each step.

"I don't mind the warm weather. I find it quite nice, actually."

The woman handed her the schedule and began to point at different things on the half sheet of paper.

"The school is sometimes difficult to navigate but the students here are very sweet and would be happy to help you if you're having any trouble," she moved her finger to another word, "Most students eat in the cafeteria during lunch but this is also a perfect opportunity to ask your teachers questions or work on projects."

Eleni nodded along as the woman explained.

"I am so excited to start on Monday ma'am."

The woman smiled and reached for Eleni's shoulder. Eleni plastered on the most bright smile she could manage without looking creepy.

"That makes me so glad. Feel free to stop by the office. Have a good rest of the weekend, Miss Pakulski!"



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