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Chapter Five - Siren Song

Chapter Five - Siren Song

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"I'm good. Just hangin' out." -Scott McCall

Outside of the automatic doors of the hospital, Eleni watched as someone else got in the Jeep with Stiles and his friend. She watched as the door to the car slammed shut and tried to get a glimpse of who was getting inside. More connections too the two would allow her more chances to weasel her way inside of their lives.

She couldn't make out the face, but judging from the shape of the person, Eleni determined it to be a young woman, someone probably the same age as Stiles. She watched as the car sped off and frowned. How was she supposed to find Stiles now?

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see the nurse from earlier. Even with the bags underneath her eyes and her dark curly hair splayed in every direction, she still had a small smile on her face. Eleni could recognize the same maternal l00k on this woman that she often noticed her own mother having.

"Are you visiting someone?" She asked. She seemed to be a little concerned, seeing as Eleni was by herself.

Once again, Eleni found herself fabricating a lie. This was one of many situations where she found herself being happy for being a siren. Lies came naturally to her, something that she should probably not be proud of.

She forced out a Polish accent, "No. I was looking for volunteer opportunities and a deputy recommended that I should check out the hospital."
She gave a quick smile, hoping that the woman wouldn't notice her struggling to say the word hospital.

"Well it sure would help the nurses if we had someone at the front desk. I could talk to my boss about it if you'd like."

This nurse was trying so hard to help Eleni even when it was clear that she was exhausted. Maybe picking up a couple shifts in the hospital wouldn't be such a bad idea. Then maybe this woman could get some rest. Eleni nodded and gave her name to the woman as well as the phone number of the phone she had just purchased.

"My name is Melissa McCall, if you need anything."

Eleni smiled and left the hospital, Melissa's phone number in her hand. Outside of the doors stood Chris Argent, one of her mom's friends. He was a hunter that lived in the area and he had made a treaty with the sirens. They never came to the surface unless it was absolutely necessary, so why attack them?

"Eleni? What brings you to the surface?" He called out.

"Just a little project I've been working on. Not a big deal," She responded wittily. She wouldn't want everyone on the surface knowing what was going on, not even a hunter.

"I'm heading to the woods. Someone tripped a wire. Want to tag along?"

Eleni smiled and walked over to join him. As she approached, her smile slowly got wider, "Don't I always?"


The two of them entered the forest and quickly spotted someone hanging upside down from the tree.

Chris squatted down to eye level, "Scott?"

"Mr. Argent," he greeted happily, though Eleni assumed that it was sarcastic.

"How's it going?"

Scott made an attempt to shrug but failed. Shrugging wasn't exactly easy when you were hanging upside down A few feet above the ground from a tree.

"Good. You know, just hangin' out."

Eleni snorted which finally brought attention to her. She couldn't help it. He was funny.

"Is this one of yours?" Scott continued,"It's, uh, good. Hey, who's the girl?"

Chris didn't bother answering, nor did he let Eleni try to explain, "What are you doing out here Scott?"

Scott dropped his sarcastic facade, "Looking for a friend."
He seemed genuinely concerned for whoever he was looking for. In a town like Beacon Hills, Eleni wouldn't be surprised if they were in danger.

"Ah, that's right. Lydia's in your group now, isn't she? Part of your clique? Is that the word you use?"
Eleni interpreted that to mean that this Lydia girl was now another werewolf. Great. Another one she had to worry about.

"Part of your...pack?" There it was. The accusation that would mark Lydia's name as a danger to the rest of Beacon Hills.

"Actually, clique sounds about right to me," Scott retorted drowsily. The blood flow to his head was causing his speech to slur.

"I hope so. 'Cause I know she' s a friend of Allison's, and one special circumstance, such as yourself- one I can handle. Not two."

Eleni knew that Chris had a daughter, one that he was very fond of. A lovely, human daughter. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to her. Eleni stepped forward from the trees, making her presence known.

"Scott do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?" She asked, bending down next to Chris.

"I have a feeling I don't want to."

Eleni laughed and brushed her curls out of her face, "A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist." Her face grew stone cold before looking back at him, "Cutting them in half. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that," She said as she slowly dragged her hand along Scott's waist.
"Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary."

She stood up and backed away, letting her eyes flash a fluorescent green, "You won't remember me as part of this conversation."

She nodded to the man next to her and took off into the woods, leaving Stiles and Allison in shock. She hadn't noticed them hiding behind a tree.

"You okay?" Allison asked, rushing forward to her boyfriend.

"It's just another life threatening conversation with your dad."

"And that girl!" She breathed out.

"What girl?" Scott asked before clawing himself down. He could kind of remember a girl but every time he tried to go back and picture the memory, all he could see was Mr. Argent, glaring at him.

Stiles laughed, "Scott you have to be a complete idiot to not notice the girl who gave a full on speech to you."

"Yeah okay." Scott chuckled, "There was some girl, who I have never met, threatening my life along with your dad. Makes total sense."


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