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Dear Diary,

The leather book cover to this diary still feels odd in my grip, much unlike my books and much unlike the rubber, or sometimes metal, handle of a knife. The leather is still cold, when was the last time I wrote in this diary? Far too long ago to remember, I suppose...

Actually, expressing my emotions, those I most certainly couldn't express in public (or even to another soul... ), through ink is quite therapeutic. I may do this more often, when I get the chance, that is. But, enough with the delay and onto the report! There is so much to share and too little time to do so.

To re-cap, ever since anon had shown up, things have been...different.  I remember their stay as if it only happened yesterday, I let my emotions take control of me. Although, I'm sure I'm not the only one...

They came... And...they left. Just like that. As if some horrific event had driven them away. I hope it wasn't of my doing. The other club members seem to be heart broken. Especially Monika. In fact, Monika was the one who suggested the idea of starting diary entries. Might I add a brilliant idea, at that. Sayori seemed a bit off recently, too. Her usual happy-go-lucky nature seems to have faded.  Tension in the air is high. I've never been one to take action in such a situation, Sayori usually does, but with the lack of her support the club will surely fall apart. I couldn't risk that. Though, I DO know a certain out spoken member who hasn't completely cracked. As you can guess, we haven't had the best relationship. We may have to put our differences aside, though, for the sake of the club....

Note to self; I have reason to have suspicion about Natsuki discovering my "secret". Keep an eye out for her.

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