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Choji was really worried. And even just a bit dejected. Everyday, Shikimaru spends five minutes with him after class, but then bolts! Even if he's going to relax like he says, they've always done it together!

Choji is a polite guy, and we know this. And so, he respects his friends privacy. But the curiosity has been eating at him recently. He just had to know!

So what else could he have done other than follow his good old friend? Best part is, Choji has practice following around Shikimaru from all the time they have been friends. He knows how to find him if he gets thrown off.

But when Choji followed Shikimaru today, he was shocked. Shikimaru just headed home...? Normally he goes off towards the front, but he headed home today.

Ok, a little off, but not crazy.

It was hard for Choji not to eat and give himself away, but he stuck through. Anything for his bud!

As Shikimaru entered his home, Choji watched curiously. Once a minute or so had passed, he walked up to the door and knocked. Shikimaru's dad answered.

"Aw! Hey Choji, you come over to see Shikimaru?"

Choji shoved a few chips in his mouth. "Yeah, nom nom, he's kinda been, nom mn, avoiding hanging out as much as we usually do. Nom nom, I just wanna check on him."

Shikaku scratches his head. "Yeah, he's also been avoiding coming home. He's come home today, but he usually heads out the gates for a bit. Says the forest is relaxing. *yawwn* speaking of which, why don't ya come in, I'm gonna lay on the couch for a bit."

Like father like son.

Meanwhile, Shikimaru and Akemi are in a more... complex situation.


What was that?!

Yoshino isn't quiet sure if he ears are playing tricks on her, or if she just heard a sneeze! Shikimaru is asleep, and she knows damn well she didn't do it, (at least she thinks it wasn't her) and she sees no one else in this room! That means there might be someone hiding...

There is. There has to be.

Yoshino checked thoroughly. The bathroom-

She checked the cabinets, and opened the curtain. No one.

The bed-

No one was underneath nor behind the soft furniture.

The desk-

No one there.

The closet?

Yoshino stepped towards the closet slowly. This is the last place. Plus, she could have sworn she heard something while checking the desk.

Akemi was holding her breath, as she balanced above the doorframe in the closet. Like Spider-Man, or something. She was pushed against the ceiling and the door frame at the very top.

Yoshino slowly turned the door nob. It clicked and she opened the door. She looked through the clothing at the front, no one was hiding there. She continued down until she reached the back.

The second she turns around I'm busted, thinks Akemi.

"Thump! Sksh!"

Yoshino whips around at the sound, and runs out of the closet!

All she is greeted with is an open window, and a short flash of green.

Time to talk to the Hokage.

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