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I found my hometown like I left it. Quiet but full of young girls and boys that make it seem younger as the most population here is. It's a bit cold but not as cold as in England, because when I left it was summer in Engand now it was ending of winter and in Australia winter is starting when summer begins in Europe. Yeah not good I know.

It's a good feeling to be back. I missed nearly everything. The beautiful weather. The people. People who talk in the same slang as I do. Haha yeah I got my slang back, nearly. It was more a combination of australian and british english. Sounds really weird.

I'm on my way to Ashs house, because I didn't tell him when I'll come back. My heart is beating as if it could explode every moment. I reached the driveway to your house, standing in front of your door, not Being sure if I should or should not push the bell to his house.

I pushed the bell and waited a few seconds, till I got the door opened by his little brother, Harry.

"Laura!" he ran out of the doorway and hugged me tightly. I mean it's been a year since I saw him.

A tear ran down my cheek.

I asked him the: "Where is Ashton?"

"He is playing soccer. He's training today. But you can meet him at the football field. You know where it is, right?" he answered

"Of course I do, sweety. Bye I gotta go!" I said and ran my fingers through his hair.

I went down the street to the football field. Still tears runing down my cheek I tried my best to stop, but I have been so happy to see Ashton again.

I remember the day I had to leave him.


"I have to go now or I'll miss the flight" I said sadly but happy at once.

"I have no problem with you missing your flight. So I can go on kissing you", Ashton said me holding tightly so I couldn't leave. I didn't want to leave him like this. But I wished so hard to go to England for a year and now it is time to go.

It has been half a year since Ashton and I become a couple. Maybe the cutest couple ever.

I didn't want to leave him because he is my flawless boyfriend and I already miss him although he is still standing in front of me.

He pressed his lips on mine and kissed me softly. He ran his tongue over my lips so I gave him more entry. Our tongues touching each others and as always I got this save feeling that I reached the perfect part of my life.

*Passengers for Flight EF645 last call to come on board*

That was my sign to stop kissing, as I did abruptly.

"Remember we are friends now because I want you to not always say: I can't have fun because I have a girlfriend! So you are a free man now again have fun the next year. I will miss you! Don't forget the flowerpower!"

"Laura!" He shouted from the back and I turned around. "I love you."

"I love you too Ash and I'll miss you so much."

That was the last sentence I said before I left. Tears running down my face. But I had to be strong for a year now. I'll make it but I'm sure that it will be hard too.

He yelled back sadly: "I'll miss you too, friend. And I'll never forget about the flowerpower" Ashton said with a wink, turned around and walked away. Letting his head hung.

And I? I went on board the plane.


I reached the football field soon, seeinh him playing really good but I didn't want to distract him so I went to the wardrobe of the boys.

The final wisthle was heard so it could only take seconds till I see him again.

He ran along the long corridor as he saw me he ran faster straight to me and hung up all his football mates. I didn't know what to do or how he would react to see me again. But as he reached me tears of joy were rushing down his face and he hugged me tigthly.

He put his head back and looked me in the eyes as he leaned in to kiss me. I have been sure that he will miss me but I have been really surprised about that kiss.

It was a really deep kiss and I again fell for him as I did last time.

He didn't stop kissing me and I could feel that he has been smiling while we were kissing.

It's like the year I haven't seen him never happened, as if it was usual that I take him home after his training.

He held my head and stopped just to tell me: "I missed you so much and I didn't forget about the flowerpower!" He grinned looking me deeply in my eyes and starting again to kiss me.

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