Chapter 2

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Emaline was really pissing me off lately and so that made me angry all day. I was so irritated that I just left I was just so done with her.

I was about to leave the school to go smoke in the forest when I remembered the adorable kid that I had invited over. I really needed a minion/follower I just wanted someone who would tell me how great I am 100% of the time.

Instead of going home I decided that I would just go behind the school to have a smoke and wait for school to be done then go and find him.

I popped out a cigarette and lit it. I was about half way through when I got really really bored so I decided to do what any actor would. Practice new monologues for the play.


I was just at the end of a monologue when the school bell rang. I needed to go get him before his shit friends pulled him away.

I hurried into the school trying to catch him right after he came out of class before he had the chance to see his friends. I just didn't like them, I heard the way they talked to him at lunch. They were terrible to him but he was still nice to them I wonder how long this had been going on.

I was just walking lost in my thoughts when I slammed into someone.

"God Tyler pay attention!" Some kid yelled obviously directed at another one.

"S-s-sorry l-luke" the other kid stuttered out I knew that voice. I looked down and saw him on the ground.

I reached my hand down and pulled him up. "Let's go" I said and dragged him away from those sorry excuses of friends he has to deal with.

Sorry for such a short chapter I wanna build up a good plot they are at Oliver's house next chapter ;)

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