Chapter Forty One- " i think you should go "

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It was Monday and the last week of school before summer break, this week was filled with something new everyday, today we had an assembly. Just what the whole school needs on a warm summer day, we all need to sit in a sweaty gym and listen to teachers talk for a hour.
I walked into the school and went over to my locker. I felt a tap on my back and turned around to see Grace.
Just a week ago Cole broke up with her, then sending even more anger put on me, but it was nothing I couldn't deal with. Grace also guilt tripped Sofia into being her friend making up some sad story about how she's her only friend now. Grace doesn't hangout with anyone other then Sofia, she kinda just forces Sofia to hangout with her so Sofia hardly gets to see Justin now.
" what do you want Grace? " I asked.
" I hear your relationship is going well, how about I rewan yours for you " she glared, I saw that Sofia just looked sad standing there in silence.
" that wasn't my fault you're the one who showed your true colours in front of my brother, he made his decision on his own, oh and maybe get friends that you don't have to force to be your friend " I smiled and walked away.
I walked over to the boys, " you look stressed " Justin said.
" I am, just saw Grace again " I sighed.
" want me to talk to her? " Cole asked.
" i'm good, don't really need you getting punched in the face again " I laughed since that really did happen when they broke up.
The bell rang.
" we should get to class " Brendon said.
" see you at lunch " Chance said walking away with Justin.
Brendon and I walked down the hallway to french class, I wasn't the biggest fan of french, but I didn't take it in grade 9 or 10 and I needed the credit so I had to take it now since I didn't want to take it in grade 12 either.
" so we have the assembly first period so were going to start heading down now so were there early and can get a good spot " my teacher said.
We walked down to the gym and sat down near the bottom so we could leave the gym quickly and so everyone else could find us faster.
" I hate this thing every year, it's just stupid " Brendon said.
" I just don't like that were in a sweaty hot gym for the whole hour " I sighed.
" yes that sucks too " Brendon said as everyone walked up and joined us.
" time for torture " Justin said.
" yeah why is everyone so angry about this assembly? " Chance asked.
" were in a gym with over 1000 kids and it's summer " I said.
" ohh, sweat " he nodded.
" yeah sweat " Cole said.
The principal walked out in front of everyone and stood in the middle of the gym.
" the year is coming to a close and most of you know there is the grade 12 graduation and Wednesday and a small fancy day on Thursday, friday is funday where you will be playing fun activities in all your classes " she smiled.
The principal continued to talk and it sucked, we just sat there and listened.
By the time it was over it was already lunch, the assembly went on for a longer time this year.
We got out of the gym and at down at the lunch table, " yeah now I understand why everyone hates this day " Chance said.
" yeah every other day was fine, but today just sucks " Brendon said.
Sofia came running up to our table out of breath.
" you ok? " Justin asked.
" I got away from Grace, she never comes into the cafe so i'm here " she said out of breath.
" good, I could see how miserable you were this morning " I said.
" yeah she's gotten worse " Sofia sighed.
" just tell here your not going to be her friend useless she's nice " Cole said.
" that is exactly what I said to you about staying her girlfriend and maybe none of this would have happened " I glared.
" sorry " Cole smiled and looked away.
" but anyway, just tell her how it is, who cares if you hurt her feeling she needs to know what she's doing is wrong " Justin said.
" well we don't really just want to hurt her feelings, she was nice once, but ever since grade 9 started something changed, you just need to get her back to that " | said.
Grace was becoming a real problem, that i'm not going to deal with.
" yeah i'll try, see you all later and i'll tell you how it went " Sofia said before kissing Justin and running out of the cafe.
" hope that works " Brendon said.
" yeah I know " I sighed.

I walked over to my motorcycle which was parked beside Chances.
Chance walked over to me, " race you home? " he asked.
" we don't even live on the same street, so no " I said.
" come on it will be fun " he smiled.
" I can't I have homework and I have to clean the house for my family coming on Wednesday for Coles graduation, but another day " I said hopping on the bike and riding to my house.
Cole got home early since he wanted to clean the livingroom and his room.
" good your home you'll have to clean the bathroom and the kitchen " he smiled.
" are you kidding me " I said dropping my bag.
" nope have fun " he smiled and walked into his room.
And these are the moments I wish my parents were home.
I walked into Cole's room.
" are mom and dad going to be home for your grad? " I asked.
" no clue, I hope they are, but I know the Uncle Mark is coming " he smiled.
" well that's great " I smiled walking away from his room, I stopped in the doorway of the kitchen.
I looked at the kitchen table which was full of papers.
I sighed and walked over to it and started to sort all the papers. I just left all the papers in a pill on the table, at least it's not a complete tornado on the table.
I walked into the washroom when my phone started to ring, I looked at it to see Brendon trying to facetime me.
" hey " I smiled.
" hey what are you doing? " he asked.
" i'm cleaning the house " I smiled.
" oh that must suck " he said.
" it does " I sighed.
" I should get back to cleaning the house " I said.
" ok have fun with that " he smiled.
" bye love you " I smiled.
" love you ".
The call ended, I went back to cleaning the bathroom, by the time I was done cleaning everything it was 6:00 and Cole hadn't come out of his room once.
I walked out of the bathroom and flopped onto the couch right when someone knocked on the door.
I sighed and walked over to see Chance standing there leaning onto the porch railing.
I opened the door, " hey what are you doing here? " I asked.
He stumbled into the house tripping into my arms, " I wanted to come by and tell you something " he laughed.
" are you drunk? " I asked.
" no " he laughed.
" yeah your drunk, can you stand up " I said holding him up straight and letting out of his arms so he was standing by himself.
" what did you need to tell me? " I asked.
" well i've been wanting to tell you this for months now and I like you more than a friend " he laughed.
" sorry what? " I asked not knowing if I heard him right.
" I like you more than a friend " he said again.
I just stood there looking at him, I couldn't tell if he was lying or not or if he was just saying this since he was drunk, but the way he looked at me I could tell he was telling the truth.
" I think you should go " I said.
" did you even hear me? " he asked getting serious.
" oh I heard you and I need time to think, alone, so I think you should go " I said again more strun this time.
" fine " he stormed out of my house still stumbling.
I closed the door right when Cole came out of his room.
" was that Chance? " he asked.
I nodded, " can you tell me why everyone seems to tell me there deepest darkest secrets when there drunk? " I asked.
" sadly I can't, but what happened? " he asked.
" Drunk Chance just told me he liked me " I sighed flopping on the couch.
" why does everyone like me, I didn't think this would be the main problem in my life " I sighed.
" your a likeable person " Cole said sitting down beside me after sat up normally.
" why, i'm an outsider " I said.
" no your not, everyone knows who you are, weather you believe it or not, you're in a band that the whole world listens so, your not an outsider " he said.
" so people just like me cuz i'm in a band " I said.
" no they like you because you're actually one of the girls who isn't completely boy crazy, you have a life outside of boys " he said.
" yea, but I just lost the two friends that actually weren't crazy, first Judy now Chance " I sighed.
" are you going to tell Brendon? " Cole asked.
" I don't know should I? " I looked up at him.
" that's your choice to make not mine " he said.
" get some rest " he said walking back into his room.
I leaned back onto the couch, what was I going to do?

Ohhhh, what do you think is going to happen??? Drama!!!!

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