Chapter two- The Arrival

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As I woke up the next morning ,with the sound of my alarm clock going off it was 5:30 and I had a lot of things to do just in a short time I went to the bathroom got dressed then I combed my hair in a high ponytail ,after I was finish I ran downstairs . My mom was already awake making me breakfast she saw me and said " ready for your big day?" I nodded in both excitement and in sadness I have never left the house like that and to tell you the truth I was a little scared .

As I sat down she put my breakfast before me on the table she looked rather sad I did not say anything but while I was eating I thought about missing my mom's cooking for a while I will be going for the rest of the semester . I got up told my mom thank you for the meal and ran upstairs I needed to take one more look in my bedroom before I went away I said goodbye to my closet ,my bed,my TV,my modem e.t.c. I looked at my alarm clock and I saw it was 5:55 in the morning then I ran downstairs with my bags and stuff .

I went outside by the gate waiting for the bus my mom and my dad came outside with me and we hugged for a very long moment my mom said " I love you Rose and take care of yourself" and same did my dad say "I love you sweetheart and I know you would like it " I nodded and said "thank you I love you too " .

As the bus arrived it looked abnormally weird it did not seem to be a school bus at all it was just black as I walked in my dad announced" break a leg kid " and my mom said " I packed a little surprise for you I know you would like it "while both of them were waving. I waved back then walked in the bus it was rather empty but it didn't bother me at all.

As I took a seat in back of the bus I waved to my mom and dad while the bus drove off inside was a little cold same as the driver . As I was lost in thought I felt this strong desire to sleep and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. As I woke up back I found out that the bus had stopped then the driver said smiling " we are here good luck kid! Not that you really need it" I nodded and walked out saying " thank you sir " .

I stand before the gate as it opened itself then I realized that when I left my house it was sun rise and now it was in the middle of the night I found that very odd. Also on top of that I looked at the school and saw that it was very beautiful if I was wrong I thought that the school was like a castle in some way or the other . I stood there for a long time gazing at the school when I felt something like a heavy wind brushed past me knocking me over and bruising my leg.

Then I just blinked and I saw a very cute guy in front of me I was shocked I took a look at him and he was as radiant as a diamond , he had jet black hair with dark eyes and he dresses rather stunning, he said "sorry about that I was in a hurry and I knocked you over can you forgive me" I nodded with a blush and said in a confused way " you did that?" I looked at him and said , then he said " yes I am sorry my name is Zen and I am a vampire quite a weird name for a vampire huh! I know I get that a lot " .

I looked at him for a while then I burst out in a big laugh and said " you are joking right vampires are not real they are just mythical creatures that are apart of horror movies and stuff" he looked at me in shock and said "no we are not ! " Feeling offended I told him sorry then I said " sorry Zen my name is Rose " he said " Rose I wonder why they gave you that name is it because you are as beautiful as one " I nodded then he picked up my bag and gave it to me then he stood up and gave me his hand I took it , like I was in a trance and I stood up .

Then he said sniffing the air like a dog " do you smell that sweet aroma " I then sniffed the air and said no then he looked down on my bruised knee and said " your blood it smells good then he asked what type of species are you I said " I am a human " he then said " you are no ordinary human you are a special kind your blood type is rare " I said in a very facinating way "thank you " then he said goodbye and rushed off .

As I walked to the door it opened on its own the inside was not so dark as the outside a lady coldly greeted me at the door she said in an unusual accent "hello and welcome to Immortal Academy ,what is your name ?" I said my name is Rose ,she then said " Rose go over there you are on the list " then she said to all of us " welcome to Immortal Academy! my name is Ms. Pendergeast and use your time here wisely ".

Then I said to myself didn't mom told me the name of the school was Sage High . Ms.Pendergeast looked at me and said those who are from earth might think that the name of this school is Sage High School but that is just our cover name. She started giving us numbers for our dorms then she came to me and said " this year there will be a few changes in your dorm " I nodded .

I saw another lady came down the stairs and she was in full black then she said " welcome and I am happy that you are here my name is Ms.Lockwood and I am the head mistress hear at this academy and tomorrow is a very big day so hurry along and go to your dorm and get some rest we'll talk in the morning. I looked at the room number in my hand it was room 236 I followed the number closest to it in the hall and I finally reached my number.

As I stood at the door I wondered if my new roommate is going to be nice or is she going to be my enemy then I took a heavy sigh and I opened the door when I opened it I saw no one in the room as I entered the room the card with my number just vanished into thin air . When I opened the door I saw a couch like this was the sitting room and beside it I saw like a little kitchen with chairs it was wonderful the couch was next to the window and I could see half of the school it was beautiful.

As I layed my bag on the couch I heard a voice behind me asking what are you doing here ? I turned around surprised to see Zen then I asked him "What are you doing here?" We both answered at the same time "this was the room I was indicated to " we both laughed.

then he said " At least I know you I was afraid that my roommate would be someone very horrible" I added " me and you both " then I asked " Isn't there supposed to be two of the same gender would share rooms ?" He said " I thought this was odd too but we can ask about it in the morning" he then pointed to my room and said " that's your room ok " I nodded and went inside as I opened the door it was like I was royalty the bed was huge the closet was enormous and the room itself could take up the living room and my bed room in my house back in Miami .

I saw there was no bathroom then I asked him who was still standing in the sitting room " where is the bathroom?" he replied and said pointing at the left room beside my room " there is the bathroom it is only one in each dorm so we have to share , are you ok with that? " I nodded taking up my bag from the couch and carrying it in my room I looked at the corner of the room and saw my other bags I then said good night to him and I closed the door feeling sleepy I just jumped in the bed it was so soft it felt like pure cotton and before I knew it I fell asleep.

Immortal Academy: The Prophecy Of The Lost Princess (The Immortal Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now