Chapter four- The Grand Ball

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As I woke up and I went in the sitting room I heard Zen said " good morning I see you are making some progress with your tardiness " I smiled he then said " oh! How is your arm by the way " I looked at it and said " it is feeling better thank you " he requested " let me change the bandage for you " .

I sat on a chair next to him and as he removed the bandage I saw my arm ,it was like nothing was there Zen was also looking so surprised " what? How did you do that? What type of species are you? " Asked Zen I replied saying " Hey easy with the questions because I don't know any answers to them I am completely clueless" I got dressed and sat on the couch next to the window then I realized that it was day time " do you want a cup of tea Rose? " asked Zen.

I replied saying " not if it has blood in it " then he said " no I bought human coffee at the cafe this morning and I got to admit it tastes delicious" I nodded and he was right in front of me handing me the cup right in front of the window .

I jumped on him knocking him over ,when I opened my eyes I was on top of him and we gazed in each other's eyes for a couple of seconds then I snapped out of it and helped him up then I said " I am sorr-ry I thought you are afraid of sunlight " he said " no I am not the sunlight doesn't bother us that much" the door slammed open and it was Helia and the twins they said " good morning you two."

We smiled then I snapped and asked " which class do you have this morning?" Looking in the direction of the twins then they said " witchcraft with Mr.Leveilmon " I smiled as I took my paper and looked at it I have transformation class with Ms.Pendergeast then Zen said " I have that class too same as Helia " we all went out the door and closed it .

As we approached our class and sat down Ms.Pendergeast said " Good morning class and today there will be no class until tomorrow , because this evening we will be having a ball for the new students " we all smiled in the class " school dismissed,and be on your best behavior " she implemented .

We walked out the door when we saw the twins and Helia walking in the hall looking rather lost . We went to them then Irma said "I have a dress to wear Iris and I both and what about you?" I said in a very displeasing way " I think I have one " Zen said " don't have a garment right now but I can call my seamstress to make me one " and Helia said "I can also call a store and order one ".

As the evening approached everyone met up back in our dorm Zen was looking like a prince same as Helia and Iris and irma' s dresses were black and sparkling I didn't have a dress that was suitable for ball so I said " you guys look amazing and I wish I could come but I don't have any suitable dress to wear I am sorry " looking at me in disappointment I said " ok then it will be starting soon so have fun ok! And don't worry about me " .

Then Irma said " are you sure if you had no dress I could lend you one " I looked at her and said" no it is ok" as they walked out of my dorm I ran in my room and I started crying . Then I remembered that my mom gave me a bag when I was going in the bus and she said it was for something special . As I got up and opened my closet I saw the bag I took it up I put it on the bed and opened it .

When I opened it I couldn't believe my eyes it was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen the dress was black with sparkles and so on but there was one problem it was too big and too tall.

I convinced myself that I was going anyways as I put on the dress it was like magic the dress was able to fit me and it changed my hairstyle and added a little black streak in my brown hair it also changed my shoes to an obsidian looking heels and it also sparkled with black gloves as I walked down the darkened hall it was like my dress was mixed with both light and darkness because my dress lit up the entire hall .

I opened the door to the ball and as I walked to my friends everyone stopped and stared at me then when I reached they too stared at me and said "wow!you look amazing" I said " thank you" . As they started playing the music Zen came in front of me and said while bowing and offering me his hand "Rose may I have this dance" I said while smiling " I would love to thank you".

When I took his hand all the lights came on us and as we danced he held me closer by the waist while gazing in my eyes it was like magic. Then after we danced he took my hand and escorted me out on the balcony then he said " You are looking most radiant tonight Rose " I smiled and replied " you don't look too bad yourself" then as the full moon raised in the sky for a sign that it was midnight he held up my head to make our eyes meet then I was tempted that our lips were slowly moving in one direction ( forward) .

Spoiling the moment the door opened and it was Helia followed by Iris and Irma they said " you guys danced beautifully " we both nodded then I went back in the ball room when they announced " the winner of the most gorgeous woman tonight is ,Rose Hathaway" a light shined on only me then they also announced" the most gorgeous woman will receive a kiss from the most gorgeous male ,now the winner is non other than Zen Wistarian himself" as they applaused I was frozen for a few seconds when I tried to gain control of my body and walk I tripped .

In a flash Zen caught me in the nick of time and as he held me by the hand and the waist the light was suddenly on us both then I gazed in his eyes giving into temptation he kissed me right on the lip no French kiss or anything thing just a passionate kiss . Then he whispered " well there it goes you are my first kiss " I replied in a very shakened way " you are mine too" .

I tried my best to ran out of the room because my cheeks and face was burning up as I reached the dorm I went in the bathroom and I spent a long time looking at myself in the mirror asking myself what is this tinkling feeling I am getting inside .

I ran out the bathroom and I was stopped by Zen who held me back by the arm " I am sorry about the kiss Rose , and good night " as I looked at him he then said " you are burning up and your face is red " as he said that I was so shocked that I ran in my room closing the door I looked in the mirror and for the first time in a long while I was blushing it was so embarrassing. I then fell asleep on my bed overwhelmed with emotions.

Immortal Academy: The Prophecy Of The Lost Princess (The Immortal Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now