Chapter three- The test

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I woke up the next morning with a knock on the door it was Zen " wake up ! Wake up we are going to be late for the meeting " he said I ran out of bed in a rather annoyed way " couldn't you woke me early " ,"I didn't want to invade your privacy " he said I rolled my eyes as I got dressed I heard him ask " Hey! Rose! Do you want a cup of tea " I opened the door and nodded.

I came out the bathroom and he handed me the cup of tea I said " thank you " as I tasted the tea I complimented him and said " this taste nice what is it " he looked at me with a glare and said " I knew you would like it , it is blood with a little sugar bowled with some french vanilla coffee" as I heard that I spit it out left the glass on the counter .

While I ran in the bathroom to wash out my mouth then he said " I am sorry Rose " I then said " don't apologise it was my fault to begin with I shouldn't have took something from a stranger especially when he is a weirdo " he looked at me both in a confused way and a surprised way and said " I told you that I was a vampire what else did you expect from one " .

As I was about to comment I heard someone speaking on the speaker saying that all first years should meet in the classroom of room 8 for a test . I ran out immediately with Zen following behind me . As we approached the area she said we should all be seated I sat in a seat beside Zen and she said " good morning my name is Ms. Petrinova and I am your task teacher meaning I will be giving you tasks and I will be grading them .

I will automatically be putting you in your classes next year" I looked at her very attentively then she announced" after this test I will be giving you I will be placing you in groups of 4 ,5 or 6 . She then started at the first girl she asked for her name and species and she wrote it all down in the notebook.

I saw her approached me she asked " What is your name? " I said "my name is Rose " then she asked "what species are you?" I told her " I don't know " then she asked " where are you from" I said " I am from earth " she announced to the class those who are from earth I can find your species easily by just telling me your maiden name " she turned back to me and asked " what is your maiden name? " I answered and said " my maiden name is Hathaway" .

She looked at me in surprise and said " the Hathaway family only existed years ago and none is in existence right now except from you " I looked at her confused then she said " right now your species is unknown to us but you passed and I am going to look at this alittle better" I looked at her and nodded. While she was interviewing the other students all I could think about was what type of species am I ? Am I really a species ? .

After she was finished she announced that all students must gather at the main hall. As I approached the doors of the main hall I took a deep sigh and I begged for a good group .

When I entered I saw Zen then he held my hand and dragged me to a seat beside him and I sat down I kept my fingers crossed. Ms. Petrinova then said " the groups are going to be put together by me and please remember what happens to one teammate happens to all teammates , as I call your name please step forward " Zen leaned forward and whispered in my ears " I hope we are in the same group " I nodded and replied " me too " crossing my fingers tighter.

She then announced " the groups with the lowest points will be escorted through the front gate". In a cold like tone she said " the first group will be Irma Equille,Iris Equille,Helia Luves,Zen Wistarian,and an extra Rose Hathaway". As I heard my name with Zen's I jumped up and I grabbed Zen's hand and ran down to the stage like platform ,she called out the rest of groups.

" Your assignment is to find a way to locate my favourite book called The History of Transilvania" she ordered .

We all looked at her like she was a bother , " Is that her favourite book ?" Said the girls beside me as they laughed.

" Now be on your way , you must find it at the end of the day but please remember every group for themselves you will be tested on your thinking skills, magic , and also your wits " explained Ms.Petrinova.

Then we all gathered in our dorm Irma said " hello! I am Irma Equille and this is my twin sister Iris Equille I am the eldest and we are both witches " I gave them a smile .

" I am Helia Luves and I am a werewolf " he said . I said " My name is Rose Hathaway and this is my roommate Zen Wistarian" I saw Irma and Iris looked at Zen like he was a ghost then I asked " what's the matter Irma and Iris?" Zen touched my shoulder and said " It's ok they are ok " I looked at him rather confused then the twins said " You are a lucky girl Rose! You share a dorm with Zen " looking more confused.

" Don't you know who this is he is the second Prince of Valines and a celebrity in this realm " I looked at the twins then I looked at Zen and said can this be true. He touched my shoulder again and said " it is true I am sorry I should have told you early but it missed me can you forgive me " I nodded and said gazing into his eyes " consider it forgotten ". Then I said "let's get to work then ,now how can we find this book" Immediately I saw Zen and Helia turned to the window .

" There was someone watching us at the window " said Helia
" Can you cast a security spell? " Zen said looking at the twins they nodded and Irma took out a book then said " well I think I can find one ,found it but it is alittle difficult and it needs two witches to do it " Zen looked at Iris and said " can you help her Iris? " .

She nodded and said " yes I can Irma let me see it " after a while they both said " are you ready?" They said casting the spell " to keep us safe from outside harm rid this place of danger " as they said that I saw a light around us . They said " it is done this spell helps us to speak freely within about 30 ft radius without anyone hearing and the veil vanishes at the end of the day .

Helia then said we need a locating spell to find the book but we need something belonging to the object or of the owner itself . Irma said "not only that we can locate the book by something that was last touched by its owner " Zen then gave her a leaflet that Ms.Petrinova gave him and said " Is this enough" ,Irma smiled and took it she handed it to Iris and said " I will give you the honours sis " Iris took it placed it on the ground and said " locates" .

She then said " my magic isn't strong enough so we have to follow it as quick as we can it will lead us to the area but we have to get our hands dirty " we all ran out following the leaflet . As it went down the hall passing the dorms it stops at a door that leads to the tower of the school we climbed the spiral stairs and went in the tower there we saw a book in the centre of the room I then rushed to get it when Zen held me back by the arm and said " it's a trap " Helia then asked Irma and Iris if they could disable the lasers but then they said that there magic would be useless.

Also Zen said his vampire strength was down as well as Helia' s I then saw the pattern of the lasers and I heard a voice saying " Rose those lasers are deadly one touch and you shall perish " I looked around and saw it was Zen then I smiled and I went I felt no fear at all it was like I was guided by someone or something as I approached the book I saw that the name was The History Of Transilvania I took it up and as I was getting back a laser touched my hand and it was bleeding .

I passed the lasers and there I was in the hall with the other groups Ms.Petrinova said " You have proven yourself worthy of this academy the other groups you didn't see are those who has to leave " then she looked at my arm in disbelief and said " Your arm is it alright I am surprised that you didn't die then she declared it ,you are not a human " then she looked at me coldly and said " If you are not a human then what are you? No one could have survived that not even the strongest vampires and werewolf's could ." She handed all of us our class schedule then said " Don't worry about it."

" You all showed great thinking skills,magic and wits congratulations , then she changed her tone and said off you go to your dorms we have a long day tomorrow." She said

Irma,Iris and Helia said goodbye, I walked with Zen to our dorm room as we went inside Zen said " take a seat I will fix your arm for you " ,as I sat down I go back to the reflection of my hand when the laser touched it .

" Your hand is not going to heal for now " said Zen I nodded in grief as soon as he was finished I went in my room and told him good night it was Dawn and that was the system . I layed in my bed and I fell asleep.

Immortal Academy: The Prophecy Of The Lost Princess (The Immortal Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now