Chapter 1

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Narrator's POV
Jin tossed and turned the whole night. The dark circles on his porcelin skin under his hazel eyes indicated so. Jin sniffed and coughed quietly, so he wouldn't disturb his roomate Yoongi. Jin got up from his bed and combed through his brown soft hair. After that he made his way through the kitchen while sneezing a few times. He made breakfast at 6:00 a.m everyday. He decided to make pancakes. Each member had a specific way they wanted thier pancakes Jungkook with chocolate chips, Taehyung with whippedcream drizzled with maple syrup, Jimin with strawberries, Namjoon with bananas, Yoongi with plain pancakes, and Jin with plain pancakes cut in to hearts. Although Jin had a throbbing headache, he ignored it not wanting to worry the other members. "IT'S TIME TO EAT!!", Jin yelled through his sore throat. Loud footsteps and groaning from being woken up could be heard from a distance. The members thanked their hyung then started digging in. Jin loved the appreciation he got from his members. That was one of the reasons why he loved caring for them. After they were done eating they left working on their songs, raps, and dances, leaving Jin to wash the dishes. Jin could feel himself burning up. He splashed water on his face as soon as he was done washing. He walked up to his room then twisted the knob. Jin went to his bed to sleep, but was interupted by Taehyung in front of Jungkook and Jimin.
      "Hyung, can you help fix our room?" Taehyung asked.
         "Sure!" Jin answered with joy in his voice, but in reality he was dreading  it.  When Jin finished cleaning it was already time for dance practice for their new album Love Yourself Tear. Jin was a sneezing mess. The members asked if he was fine and Jin just nodded reassuringly. During the dance, he couldn't keep up. The dance was too fast pace that everything became blurry. Jin kept stumbling which made their choreographer redo the dance again. Everyone was a little annoyed at Jin. The members had to redo again and again and again, but little did they now Jin was the one suffering the most. Jin was apologizing while his forehead was covered with sweat. Jin was burning up, but he didn't want to let the members know. When it was their last time dance practice, Jin couldn't stop his eye lids from dropping. Jin was giving up. It was to much for him now. Jin fainted on the ground.

Jungkook's POV
Today at dance practice we danced to "Don't Leave Me." I saw Jin and noticed that he was using less effort. I frowned. I wanted to see Jin hyung dance with energy, but I had to focus on the song. We kept repeating the song over and over again. I couldn't help but to glare at Jin. When it was my turn to be at the front to lead the choreography I heard a loud bang behind me. Jin hyung was on the ground. Everyone gathered around him. We sent him right away to the hospital. We sat patiently in the waiting room. The doctor motioned for us to come and left us in a room where Jin was laying on the bed. The doctor said that Jin had the fever and asked for us to take it easy on him, for his fever was very high. I ran to the chair on Jin's side next to his bed. I held his hand saying
        "Jin why didn't you tell us you had the fever?" Jin shrugged. I was annoyed how could he be so fine with this. I was then interrupted by the other members asking the same questions.
Seokjin's POV
  Jungkook was right I should have told someone. I shouldn't have overworked myself, but I wanted to take care of my members. Even though I took care of my members, I deeply wanted my members to take care of me, but I was too old I had to be the one responsible. After the fainting incident the doctor let me go. He made it clear in my head that I should take some rest. Finally the members and I went home. We all immediatly went to our bedrooms to  sleep, but for some reason I was wide awake. I imagined what I thought about in the hospital. I imgained being young again and having the members take care of me.
   "I wish I was young again." I said to me self as I went back to sleep.

I just realized that I published the one that wasn't finished. I finished it and published, but for some reason it published the one that was not complete. I was so confused, sorry for not realizing it. WATTPAD HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!! I literally had a heart attack. The chapter that I wrote for like hours was gone, but then I found it on the revision thing on the top, thank goodness. I hope you see this chapter again cause that was embarrassing publishing something that wasn't finished.

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