Chapter 2

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Jin fell asleep then he felt a sharp pain in his body. He didn't know what was happening he was groaning at the pain. It felt as if he was stung by a 100 bees. He tried yelling and screaming, but words could not form. On the other side of the room Yoongi heard every thing and tried to go back to sleep.
"What was happening?" Yoongi thought. Jin felt the pain go away, but the stinging sensation was still on his face. Once Jin felt the pain go away he peacefully slept, as for Suga he was just happy he could stop hearing the agonizing pain in Jin's groans. The next morning Jin was woken up with a push. Jin turned and saw the morning rays shine down on his face.
"Good mor-"said Jimin. Jimin's jaw dropped while his eyes bulged out. Jin looked at his donseang in confusion. He then avoided the awkward silence as he looked at the clock. The clock read 8:46 a.m. Jin was supposed to already be finished making breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Jin stared at Jimin and hurriedly apologized,

"Sorry Jimin I had a hard time falling asleep last night.", while Jimin was still not able to make a sound. Jin got up and rushed to the kitchen not worried about his hair or the pajamas he was still in. While he rushed towards his younger members, Jin noticed his body felt lighter and he felt better. He just shrugged it off. "Must be because I'm not sick anymore." Jin concluded, but it didn't explain his pajama which was too loose for him now. Jin didn't question it and ran off to his members to apologize for not making breakfast.

"Good morning dongsaengs, sorry for not making breakfast!" Jin said with a guilty voice.
"You better be sorry Hobi hyung burnt my eggs!" Taehyung retorted not looking at Jin. Jin noticed Hoseok was making breakfast in place of him. He thanked Hobi and joined in to eat. As he walked to get his plate everyone just stared back jaws dropping, spoons falling, eyes widening, and curses being said.
"What the fu-", but before Yoongi could finish his sentence Jin quickly said,"Yoongi language!" But the dongsaengs were not focused on Yoongi they were shocked to see Jin. Jin was smaller than Jimin and his hands. Jin's face was the same but something made it looked more innocent. Maybe it was his lips being more plump and a brighter hue of pink, or his brown puppy-dog eyes which were bigger making his eyelashes longer at the same time, or Jin's cheeks were chubbier either way no one could disagree that there hyung changed. Jin's waist also became smaller which was noticeable through his loose pajama. Jin's now poofy hair slid down in front of his face. That was when Jin noticed his pajama and his hair were longer. Jin also observed that his members "grew."
"Hey! All of you guys grew. What happened?" Jin asked confused while his voice became higher. Everyone shook their heads.
"No hyung you shrunk." Jungkook said back.
"What!" Jin yelled in his now high pitched voice.

My english is bad, sorry. My first language is not english so yeah. I will try my best to update frequently when I have spare time. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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