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I ate in the nurse office and Dr.Solace-Di Angelo let me leave before the end of lunch so I could get to class on time. I needed to be the first one there so I could make sure it was the real Jason Grace. I got to class and found that Astraea was already there. I have no clue how she got here so fast. I ignored that fact and said hi. I found my seat and sat down, I got out lost hero again and started reading it. When the rest of the class arrived Mr.Grace took the attendance and started class. His class was pretty boring until a girl about 16 walked in. "Sup y'all I'm Thalia, I'll be joining your class." I looked at Mr.Grace and saw he was trying to stifle a laugh. I then realized that the only empty desk was next to me. The incredible, insane, daughter of Zeus was going to be sitting by me. I had no idea where this was going to end up. When class was 10 minutes until it was over Mr. Grace said we could talk to our neighbors. He then called Thalia and I up to the front. "Jason!"Thalia exclaimed when we got up there. "Thalia you know you're supposed to call me Mr.Grace," he reprimanded. Which was kind of funny because Thalia is technically older than him. Thalia just rolled her eyes. "Yes, but you let people on phones. NO ONE is listening to us." "Fine what do you two need?" he asked. "Well, I was wondering if... youaretherealJasonGraceandactuallyfoughtthegoddessGaeaandwonandifallofmyteachersareactuallydemigods," I said in one breath. "I'm sorry what did you say?" he asked. "Well I was wondering if you are the real Jason Grace and actually fought the goddess Gaea and won and if all of my teachers are actually demigods," I repeated. "Oh," he said shocked. "How...?" Thalia trailed off.
"There may or may not be a book series written about you and the rest of The Seven."
"Who is it written by?"
"Rick Riordan."
"Hey Jason, isn't he that son of Apollo that Will is always talking about?"
"Yeah, I think you're right Thals."
Just then the bell rang. "Ugh, now I have to go to mythology," Thalia said.
"Me too, want to go over there together?"

Sorry, I haven't been posting. I got super caught up with school. I just finished middle school and went through a bunch of testing. I will try to update this over the summer.


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