Part 9

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Make it Home

Part 9

Ace P.O.V

I left the twins & went to check on Yn. I walked in & she was sitting up. My baby looked upset. I walked over and hugged her.

Yn; Where's my stomach ?

Ace; Baby . Relax, you didn't lose the babies.

Yn; Babies ?

Ace; I'll show you.

I picked her up, walking down the hall. We stopped infront of the nursery. I pointed to our twins , that we're getting their weight done. I saw her face light up like a little kid.

Yn; They're adorable ! They have your eyes. Can we get closer ?

Ace; Yeah.

We walked a little more down til we can see them laying down. She was so excited, she kept saying she wanted to see them.

Yn; Wait .. What did you name them ?

Ace; The boy is Adrien Ace Johnson Jr. The girl is Adriana Marie Johnson.

Yn; *smiles* You remembered !

Ace; Of course baby. It took us 6 hours to figure out the names.

Yn; I wanna see my babies.

Stephanie; Hi Ace, & Yn . You guys can go back to the room. We'll bring the twins shortly.

Yn literally ran back to the room. I walked in a few minutes after to find her putting her hair in a bun. She smiled sitting back down on the bed.

Ace; Chill. They'll be here shortly

Yn; I just wanna hold my babies !

They wheeled them into the room. I instantly grabbed my baby boy. Yn grabbed Adriana. I smiled, I have my own little family.


August P.O.V

We sat there waiting ... 1 more minute... Jayden was playing with my fingers.. As soon as the alarm went off, we ran into the bathroom. She picked up the test & sighed.

Jayden; Negative.

August: Damn

Jayden; I was so positive this time. I was throwing up and everything.

August; fuck man.

Jayden; This doesn't make sense. This is the 5th time.

August; Maybe we should take a break

Jayden; No Babe. I promised you

August; I know.

Jayden; I heard doctors are more positive then test *throws it away* I'm just saying .. *swings keys around*

I smiled. I grabbed the keys racing her to the car. She tried to reach it first but I grabbed her. We started laughing,

Jayden; You're cheating . I was winning

August; *laughs harder* You don't even have shoes on

She stopped looking down, she started getting weak along with me. She pulled me down in the grass, we kept laughing . Jayden pulled me down, and started kissing me. I kissed back, until I felt her hand start unbuckling my belt.

August; Woah, woah. Babe we're on your front yard.

Jayden; So ?

I looked at her. She was so serious, I went to go kiss her again until the sprinklers came on. She screamed pushing me , we ran to the car.


Trey P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully until my phone went off. I looked over seeing Tay was still sleep. I grabbed the phone ,answering

Trey; Hello ? ... I'm not schedule for the studio today.... I'm not coming in either... I don't give a fuck what Kelly wants... Tf we sharing the studio for anyways... Bullshit .. I'm not going in . Bye !! *hangs up*

I threw my phone near the ends of the bed. I yawned getting comfortable til I felt Tay cuddle up to my back. I reached behind me, grabbing her ass.

Tay; *giggles* stawp baby

Trey; you not mad at me anymore ?

Tay; No baby, I'm sorry. It's the mood swings

Trey; *turns over* I understand. You gotta trust me baby . I'll never cheat on you

Tay; good cause we're hungry

Trey; Aren't you always ?

Tay; Mean ass.

I got my phone. I ordered us pizza ,wings and breadsticks. Tay sat up quick & took a deep breath

Trey; Baby ?

Tay; the baby kicked me that's all. Strong ass little nigga

Trey; Good.

Tay; Tf you mean good it's killing me.

Trey; Maybe he'll be a fighter

Tay; maybe she'll be a bitch like her mom

We don't know what we're having we wanted it to be a surprise. It doesn't matter I'm just ready to meet him or her.


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