Chapter 8 - I Don't Know

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For the love of god, please read the A/N at the end! PLEASE!!! I'm begging you!

Sleep took over very fast and the next thing I knew I was awake again. I slowly began to open my eyes and sit up. The pain had gone. I lifted up my sleeve revealing the bandage I had wrapped around my arm and slowly began to unravel it. There was nothing, not even a faint scar.

"What the hell." I muttered to myself.

"I told you it would heel." Said a voice from behind me.

"Yeah, I just suppose I didn't completely believe. I do now." I said smiling.

"You've been asleep for a while."

"What? How long?" I asked.

"It's lunch time, but don't worry. I sent your mum a text off your phone saying you'd gone to Stiles'."

"Thanks... I think."

"You'll have to begin training immediately. I can't have you shifting in the middle of class or a sports lesson. I'll also need you to help me pick out a few people for my pack."

"Help you? How?" I asked a little confused.

"Well I need people who aren't going to say no to the bite. I'm going to give them an option and tell them everything before I turn them, including the hunters."

"How do you know they'll say yes?"

"Because I need people with a troubled past, who want a fresh start or have an illness that they want cured for good."

"So you want me to point out people in my school." I said as more of a statement then a question.

"Exactly. I also need you to stay away from Scott for as long as possible. I don't want him finding out I turned you just yet and he would be able to smell the beta in you if you got to close."

"You want me to ignore one of my best friends?"

"Well isn't that what he's been doing to you for over a month now?" he had a point.

"Okay fine, what about Stiles? And will Lydia turn?"

"It would be helpful if you stayed close to Stiles. Without Scott being a part of the pack at the moment I need some way of staying posted. And as for Lydia she will either turn or die - there're only two options."

"And Jackson is the same right? Why would you turn him? He only wants to help himself, he always has."

"The more the better and I'm the alpha I can control him if I have to. Come on. We have to get out of here, the Argents are coming. We need to find a new hide out and training area." With that I followed Derek out to our cars and followed him in my car to an old warehouse.

When I got out of my car Derek was already out of his and heading inside. I had to run to catch up. There was an old broken down train inside the building. Or it wasn't actually a building it was underground and I was curious how he ever managed to find it.

"You begin your training now." His voice snapped me out of my haze

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to attack me."

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"You won't hurt me and even if you manage to I'll heel."

Derek's eyes changed to red and his teeth grew into sharp points. I knew I didn't have a choice and I did want to learn to fight so I did what he told me. I attacked... or at least I tried to. As soon as I reached him his hand went around my throat and I was thrown to the ground with Derek hovering over me.

"Again." He said as he got off me.

I stood up and looked into his eyes. They were emotionless. I attacked again and this time instead of grabbing my throat and pulling me down. I was somehow thrown against a wall with Derek's forearm pressed against my neck.

I felt a piece of wood stick out on the wall behind me and dig into my back, causing pain to ripple through my body. That's when it happened. I shifted. I felt a pain, but a good pain, in my fingers and gums and a cool feeling in my eyes. I looked at Derek and he took a step back. This time there was emotion in his face. He was shocked. I didn't know why though, I thought he wanted me to shift.

"Your eyes," he said "they're green."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax. As I did I felt my nails and teeth retract and the cool feeling return to my eyes.

"So," I said "your eyes are red, Scott's are gold and I remember Stiles saying that yours use to be blue."

"That's different. My eyes are red because I'm the alpha, Scott's are gold because he was bitten and mine used to be blue because I was born a werewolf. I have never seen or heard of someone's being green before." (PLEASE READ THE A/N!!!)

"Then what does it mean?"

"I don't know."

A/N: Please don't comment about how the eye colour theory in this is wrong. I wrote this before it was revealed in the show and i do fix it up later in the series and I explain why Derek lied.


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