Chapter 18 - Lacrosse Practise

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It was finally Friday; the full-moon. I was standing with Derek as we were watching the morning lacrosse training. Derek was making sure Isaac didn’t lose his temper and turn. Isaac had stayed at mine the night before and I’d driven him to school (hence me being there now). Derek was here because… well… he just was. I guess he was making sure Isaac wouldn’t lose it on the field.

The lacrosse players had lined up in front of the goalie, which was Scott, to practise shooting some goals. Of course considering Scott was in the goal I highly doubt anyone would score – except Isaac if he ripped a hole in the net of Scott’s stick, but that’s not exactly what happened.

The first player started running towards the goal, but before they had taken three steps Scott was on him and knocking him to the ground.

“I thought the goalie wasn’t allowed out of the goal.” I asked Derek assuming he knew something about the game.

“They aren’t.” I looked away from Derek and back onto the field where Scott helped the other player up and… smelt them?

“Did he just smell him?” I asked turning back towards Derek.

“Yes.” Derek said with a hint of amusement in his voice. The next player started running towards him and he did the same thing. Next came number 8; Matt.

“He knows there’s another beta, doesn’t he? He’s trying to figure out who it is?”

Derek nodded. “Isaac’s next.” He said.

I turned my attention back to lacrosse practise and saw Isaac charge towards Scott. As they collided with each other I could hear the slam as they both went flying in the air and came crashing to the ground. They were both on all fours looking at each other. Both Derek and I knew at this point that both of their eyes would have been glowing a magnificent gold. A loud whistle blew and they were both snapped out of their haze just as sheriff Stilinski was walking onto the field with two officers. I knew who they were coming for and why. They had found Isaac’s father. The sheriff walked up to coach.

“I need to speak with Isaac Lahey.”

Coach nodded. “Lahey!” he yelled, waving Isaac over.

The officers walked Isaac away from the rest of the team and coach to talk to him in private. Unfortunately they moved him out of my hearing range.

“I can’t hear them.” I said looking at Derek.

“They found his father.” Sheriff Stilinski led him off the field and towards the office. “They are taking him in for questioning.” Derek’s hearing was better than mine as he was the alpha.

“What’s going to happen?”

“I’m not sure. Come on we can wait in the car park.”

Derek and I walked back to the car park and waited in his Camaro.

“I could go inside and ease drop on what’s happening?” I said it as a question rather than a suggestion.

“Alright, but be careful. Now that Gerard is the principal you’re going to have to be very careful to not give yourself away. If he knows what you are he won’t hesitate in killing you.”

“I thought you said they had a code.”

“Not anymore. The other night when they killed that omega, it was Gerard who killed him. He believes that our kind murdered his daughter, Kate, and now he wants revenge on all of us. He’s declared war.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this? That was two days ago.”

“Because I wanted you to focus on the full moon, but if you’re going into the school you need to know.”

“Okay, is there anything else I need to know?”

“Not yet.”

That didn’t exactly comfort me. I took one last look at Derek and got out of the car and headed up the stairs of the school. The hallway was empty when I got inside. Everyone was in class. I was walking up towards the principal’s office when I saw a police officer leading Jackson towards the office. Oh god… I thought to myself. If I could tell what was happening with Isaac and his father, Jackson definitely could. I was Jackson’s neighbour and Isaac lived directly opposite him, and Jackson would have no problem with telling them exactly what he knew.

Once Jackson and the officer were inside I walked closer to the front of the office, the seats where my best bet. If anyone asks I will just say I’m here to see some teachers about the work I had missed this week. Well… they were my best bet… until Scott and Stiles came walking around the corner. I was about to get up and move, but they saw me.

“Anna!” Stiles yelled just as I stood up. “Your back! How are you? Feeling better?”

“Yeah, umm…”

“She’s fine Stiles.” I was cut off by Scott. He knew, I could see it in his face. Complete shock mixed with anger and betrayal. Oh god what was I going to do?

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