Chapter 27 - Lydia's Going Insane

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Isaac and I moved so we could see what was happening in the rink without being seen ourselves. We saw Lydia kneeling down on the ice screaming. There wasn’t anyone near her until Stiles skated up beside her and then Allison and Scott came running. She wasn’t in any danger and hadn’t hurt herself. There was no-one else in the rink. She was just screaming.

Once she had calmed down they started to pack up and leave. Isaac and I left before they did and went straight back to the station to find Derek and Erica. Erica had gone home, but Derek was there as always.

“We didn’t find anything at the house just drops of dry blood from the hunter. Did you find out anything from Scott or Stiles?” Derek said as soon as we walked into the room.

“No, but I’m pretty sure Lydia’s going insane.” Isaac replied.

“What do you mean?”

“We followed them to the ice rink. Scott and Allison were on a date and Stiles and Lydia tagged along. They were skating and then she randomly started screaming at nothing.” I explained trying not to leave anything important out.

“It may have something to do with the bite.”

“Shouldn’t she be a werewolf?” Isaac asked.

“She should be, but then again so should Jackson.” I said.

“I’m still working on that. It doesn’t make sense. I have never heard of anyone ever being immune to the bite. Either you turn or you die. It’s never happened before, and even dying isn’t that common, especially in teenagers.”

BING! My phone went off.

We need to talk. My place? –Scott

Okay, coming now. –Anna

“It’s Scott, he wants to talk.”

“Alright, try and find out if he knows anything.” Derek said.

I walked back out to my car and drove off to Scott’s. His mum was working with mine tonight so he was home alone. I didn’t bother knocking, I basically just jumped through his window.

“I see Derek has been teaching you some tricks.” He said in a bitter tone, obviously still pissed.

“A few. What did you want to talk about?”

“Your pack. Three isn’t enough for Derek. I know he needs at least four. So who’s next?”

“You know there doesn’t have to be a next if you join us.” It just came to mind. Derek had never mentioned it, but I couldn’t tell him about Boyd.

“Who’s next?” This time his voice was louder and more demanding.

“You know even if I knew who he was going to pick I wouldn’t be able to tell you, Scott. You would try and stop him and I can’t let you do that. He’s my alpha and it’s my pack. If you want to be on your own and be an omega that’s your choice, but don’t come between our pack. The people Derek turn choose it on their own free will. I told you that already.”

“They don’t know what they’re getting into.”

“Yes they do. He tells them everything even the hunters, but they still say yes. Do you know why?” I paused for a moment. “Because a life running from hunters is better than the one they already had. The bite changes that, it gives us a second chance, a chance to change things, to escape.” My voice surprisingly didn’t get too loud and I didn’t feel as angry as I did earlier.

“Scott?” Mrs McCall’s voice rang through the house. “There you are. Oh, hello Anna. I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”

“I’m well, thank-you Mrs McCall. How are you?”

“I’m great. How’s your mum?” She was asking about how she was at home, not in general.

“She’s doing okay. Has she left work yet?”

“Yes, she was about to leave just as I did.”

“Okay, well I should get home then. Bye!” I said waving to Mrs McCall and Scott.

“Bye!” they both yelled back. I couldn’t ask Scott my question when his mum was in the room so I’d have to ask him if he knew anything tomorrow. Him or Stiles anyway, something told me I would have better luck with Stiles.

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