Yaa rahmaan: recite 100x after each obligatory prayer for good memory, keen awareness and freedom from heavy heart.
When Muhammad was four years old, Haleemah brought him back to his mother, who two years later, took him with her to her relations at Medina, after a month's stay while returning with the child to Mecca, Amina died on her way. Thus at the age of six, Muhammad was left without either father or mother. Someone took him to his grandfather at Mecca. But after two years, this grandfather also died, and so Muhammad, at the age of eight, went to live with an uncle called Abu talib.
The homes in which Muhammad lived as a child were not wealthy, and other children did not behave well. At their meals, they gathered round their mother, and cried aloud for what they wanted. Each child tried to get more food than the others. But while the other children were making a fuss, Muhammad sat by himself quietly waiting for his aunt to give him his food, and he ate with pleasure whatever was given to him.
Even at early age, everyone who knew Muhammad noticed his thoughtful ways, and his uncle love him so much that he would part with him neither by day nor by night.
In those days, many people of Arabia could not read nor write so Muhammad grew up without any education from books. People wondered that Muhammad, PBUH, knew so much and was so wise without any learning.
When Muhammad was twelve yeas of age, his uncle had to go on a trading journey to Syria. The boy could not bear the idea of such a long separation from his uncle, so Abu Talib took Muhammad with him. On their way, they met a religious man, a christian named Baheerah, who saw in the prophet's face signs of greatness.
"Take care of him!", he said to Abu Talib, "for one day he will have some mission from God".Thanks for reading.
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Spiritualstory of the holy prophet, the most beloved creature of Allah, the most respected man on earth. 🙏🙏💗