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         Nearly fourteen hundred years ago, on April 20th, A.D.571, a child was born in Mecca, a town in Arabia about forty miles from the shores of the red sea. This child was the holy Prophet Muhammad(saw).

     The name of the child's mother was Aminah, daughter of Wahb, bin Abd-Manaaf, who belong to the Zuhra family. His father's name was Abdullah, the banu hashim family.

      A few days after Abdullah married Aminah, he went on a trading journey to Syria. On his way home, he fell ill and died at Medina, which was then known as YATHRIB. Thus Muhammad was born an orphan.

       Before the holy prophet's birth, his mother dreamt that she was going to give birth to a child, and he should be named Muhammad, which means 'one praised'.

      His mother saw in another dream, a very bright light flowing out from her and spreading far and wide.

Muhammad as a baby💞

       The people of mecca used to send their babies away to be nursed by women in the country, of which the climate was much better than that of the town.

Women belonging to the villages within thirty or forty miles of mecca came to the town and took newly born babies away with them. These women were paid for nursing and looking after the children when they brought them back to their parents after the time of nursing was over.
Aminah wanted one of these nurses to take care of Muhammad (pbuh). When the women heard that the child's father was dead, they refused, one and all, for fear that they would not be paid enough money.

They didn't know that the child they were refusing was to become the master of kings and emperors.
Among those who had come to Mecca to take away children with them was a poor woman named Haleemah. She went from house to house, asking for a baby to nurse, but no parents wished to trust their child to a poor woman. After failing at every house, she decided to take this fatherless child, so that the other women should not laugh at her for coming away empty handed. He remembered her ever afterwards and showed very great respect for her. He would spread his coat for her when she visited him in the days of his greatness.

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