Three: Lullaby

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This is Sienna's POV for a change YAYYYY




I stand at the door of the Lance Corporal's office, coffee in hand. I plaster that fake smile to my face and knock.

"It's open." I am informed. I nod to myself and push the door.

"Good morning Heichou." I place the coffee in the coaster, handle facing the window just like he would want me to.

"Good morning Sienna." the corporal replies.

"How are you today Heichou?" I ask.

"I am... good." he says. Corporal Levi doesn't talk very much. He's really stoic. It doesn't really stop him from having friends in the legion. He seems to deny it - like he doesn't want to become close to people. I wonder if he lost somebody dear to him because of the titans.

Maybe he's like me. Okay not exactly like me; men can't be discharged for making people pregnant. So he wouldn't be burdened by such 'obligations'. However he might have a similar thorn in his side. Something haunting him like that day in Shiganshina plagues my mind.

His beady steel grey eyes meet mine. "Take a seat Sienna."

"Yes sir." Well he's never done that before. Maybe he's going to chide me for what happened last night with the eotan onslaught. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and sit on the chair that faces him.

"Sienna do you know why I want to talk to you?" I am asked.

"Is it because I braught all those titans here?" I ask. He sighs, closing his eyes for a moment.

"I want to know your version of events." the corporal says. I hiccup.

"M-my version." I ask.

"I want to know why you think it was you." he states rather bluntly.

"Hanji-san told me what I said while I was sleeping." I hang my head.

"Oh?" he muses. "And what was that?"

"I don't want to cause another attack." I refuse.

"Sienna. You can either tell me or the Military Police." he threatens. I gasp.

"But... my mum told me she didn't tell them about what I could do." I shake my head furiously.

"Sienna." he repeats my name. I sigh.

"Hanji-san said I sang a verse of the lullaby my Grandma Reed used to sing to me as a kid." I explain.

"A lullaby?" I meet the corporal's gaze. He looks almost amused.

"It's not funny!" I fold my arms, flinching at the icy glare I recieved seconds after the words escaped my mouth. Why am I so impertinent? It always gets me into sticky situations.

"And why do you think the lullaby drew in those eotans?" I am asked.

"The abnormal went for me first but Harkin." I feel tears welling. No. No. You can't cry in front of the corporal. You can't! You just can't! Keep your pride! You are not your wussy aunts, cousins, sisters or your mother. You are strong. You have survived in the legion for this long without crying in front of anybody! Even your family!

FUCK! Why did that have to come to mind! I don't want to cry! And thinking of all of the family I lost IS NOT HELPING!

"Sienna?" the corporal is holding out a tissue. He looks generally stoic but he also looks unsure. It's like he doesn't know how to handle teary grieving soldiers. It's not his job. I shake my head, wiping the tear that escaped away with my hand.

"Gomene Heichou... Harkin was doubting whether he was going to stay in the legion at the end of the year. He was weighing up his options with Jasper and I. I got mad at him." I admit. "And I yelled a section of that god forsaken lullaby at Harkin to hurt him emotionally. We all used to have that lullaby sang to us."

"And then the abnormal breached formation?" I nod at the corporal. He's right. Moments after I yelled at my cousin that eotan went for Harkin.

"Is that your only reason?" Corporal Levi asks.

"No." I reply. "I sang the lullaby in Shiganshina; I sang it! I sang the whole damn thing! I sang my grandmother to death with it! And then as I sing those stupid lyrics the titans breach the wall. Everybody said it was my fault. My Aunt Nessa's last words were 'Sienna what did you DO?' Uncle Ross' last words were threats to turn me in, to the Military Police!" I put my head in my hands and feel the tears fall.

"Sienna..." the man before me puts his hand on my shoulder. It feels as if he's hesitant. Like he doesn't know how to comfort anybody. "Gomen... I still have one more question."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Can you... write the lyrics down?" he is hesitant to ask such a reasonable question.

"Thank you." I wipe my eyes. He says nothing however he looks baffled.

"Thank you for not making me say them." I smile, taking the quil from the ink and write the lyrics in capital block letters.

"Sei sind das Essen und wir sind die Jeager?" he asks, looking over my shoulder.

"They are the prey and we are the hunters." I translate.

"It's German. My family have German decent." I explain.

"Ah." he nods, looking as if he doesn't actually care. "And which words drew in the abnormal?"

In response to the question I draw a ring around a small piece of the text.

"There are beings that live off our fears and their words are like knives as they play with our lives. They'll try to control you as if they own you will you let them steal your freedom?" Lance Corporal Levi murmurs under his breath.

"And what did Hanji say you said last night that drew them in?" I draw a ring around another part of the lullaby.

"Ahh. You said that last night too." he points at another section of the lyrics. I blush.

"I did?" I ask.

"Yes." he nods.

Feeling awkward I rub my arm.

"Err Heichou... is that all?" I ask.

"Yes. Thank you Sienna." I smile, it's only half forced.

Lusting For The Eotan Siren ~ A Shingeki No Kyojin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now