Chapter Two

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                   After packing, I took opportunity of the time I had left to go round the pack one more time and to tell the few pack members I considered as friends and family goodbye. Now that I was leaving, I will surely miss my training with the warriors and brothers as well as my mother's.

I wish I could stay a bit longer before going to my mates pack but even I know that even in my dreams,
it will be impossible because my mate wouldn't agree and will throw a tantrum or resort to other means no matter how low to get me to go with him which wouldn't really be necessary and to avoid all that, I just have to go with him peacefully.

But if he thinks, he's got himself a fragile docile mate then he's got another thing come. I may not talk much but my silence and temper does show a lot.

I had just finished collecting my personal weapons which consisted of a silver sword, a bow and a couple dozens of arrows and my box of daggers from the weapons room when I felt someone pushing against the barrier around my mind link.

Sighing softly, I let it down only to hear my mother calling for me.

'What is it mum?' I asked

'It's time honey...' she said solemnly

'Ok am coming' I said before closing the mind link

                  Taking a last look around the room, I lifted the sack that now contained my weapons and walked out of the room.

I walked into the main entrance into my home only to find my packed suitcases near the door and my family chatting animatedly with creepy beta whiles Alpha River stood near the window staring off in a distance with a thoughtful look on his face.

Clearing my throat rather loudly, I made my presence known. My mother approached me first and after wrapping her arms around me, she opened our mind link to speak to me.

'I love you honey. Take care when you go and know that you can call me anytime and I will answer'

'I love you too Mum.'

'We love you too baby sis' my brothers barged in

'I love you more idiots'

               When my mum pulled back, my brothers came in for a hug too. trying to squeeze the life out of me but they didn't succeed for long because they were swiftly pulled back by Mr. Possessive Alpha and I was cuddled into a warm tingling chest that sent delicious shivers down my spine.

I burrowed further into his chest trying to get more of that warm tingling sensation and completely forgetting that we had an audience. I could feel the mate bond blooming and strengthening with just this cuddle.

It wrapped itself around me like a warm blanket and am sure my mate was feeling it too because Alpha River tightened his hand wrapped around me and buried his face into my neck.

Breathing in my scent whiles he kept trying to push me much further into his arms but was stopped by the sack of weapons I still in between us in my arms.

He pulled back in confusion to check what was hindering me from getting closer to him. With one arm around me, he tugged my sack of weapons with his other hand.

"What is this?" He asked softly

"Um... My weapons" I whispered back softly not wanting to break the moment

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