Chapter Five

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Dedicated to each and every one of you readers, commenters and voters out there. Me Appreciate!

[Run The World- Beyonce]

                      As soon as I started walking towards the three culprits, the rest of the pack members walked backwards to create space before making a circle so everyone could spread out but still be able to see what was about to happen.

I stopped in front of Cindy and after sizing her up, I told her I would fight her last so she should wait with Matthews who didn't waste time in reaching forward to pull her away.

I watched the two men standing in front of me before asking them;

"What are your names?"

"I am Luke and he is Alex" the first one said.

"Okay which one of you will like to go first?" I asked in monotone

After a moment of silence and none of them moving, Alex spoke up.

"Me. I would like to go first"

"Good. Luke please wait with Beta Matthews while I finish up here"

As soon as he left, I turned to Alex who smiled smugly at me. I flashed him a bright smile before I started circling around him.

I watched him as he let his ego and foolishness lead him into the fight instead of his brain.

After dodging his attacks and edging him on to where I want him. I got into position and that is when the real fight began.

He put up a good fight but his ego was thinking for him so much that he was sloppy and careless.

Not to boast but I beat him black and blue without letting him lay a hand on me. It went on for an hour before he barred his neck to me in submission the moment he fell to the ground.

I stepped back before reaching down and pulling him up to his feet which turned out to be a chore because I had really done a number on him.

I studied him as some men came to take him off my hand and I realized I may have hit him a little too hard.

He had blood almost all over him and with a sigh, I walked towards him and after biting my wrist, I opened his mouth and allowed my blood to rush into it.

It took a few moments before his wounds started healing and I didn't miss the grateful glint in his eyes.

I ruffled his hair and asked the men to get him to the infirmary before turning to Luke who looked like he would shit his pants at any given time.

I beckoned him forward and was not as surprised as he rushed to kneel in front of me before barring his neck in submission while he wept on.

I knelt to his level and after pulling him into my shoulders, I allowed him to weep his eyes out.

It wasn't long before they turned to sniffles and that's when I stood to my feet and brought him with me. Lifting his head with my hand, I said softly to him;

"You are scared enough and you look like you've learned your lesson but you cannot go unpunished.
And though I may not fight you, you will make up for it one way or the other. I know there is always work around here somewhere that I can get you to do.
But make no mistake. You disrespect an elderly one in this pack again and I will find you and break your legs. Are we clear?"

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