(6) Roxas [Kingdom Hearts]

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"Roxas..." you went to comfort your friend as he was still grieving over his loss of his two best friends. "I miss them.."

"Roxas.. You can't put yourself down like this!" Frowning you felt like you could cry.

"But.. They are gone.. And its because of me.." He replied in a whisper as he looked towards the ground in sorrow.


"Roxas.. Look, I know they may be gone now but they are not gone for good we will see them again! I just know it! ...."

"....." All there was was silence.

"Roxas I-" Blinking suddenly suprised she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her and a small peck on the cheek.

"You promise...?" Roxas whispered softly.

Smiling softly she replied "Yes."

(Might edit and make longer)

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